your pets

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You got a Chihuahua because it reminded you of Tony. You named it Paco. At First Tony and Paco didn't get along but one night you came home and they were both curled up on through asleep.

You got a golden retriever. You named it Lucky. They got along well. Steve takes him on his morning runs and plays catch with- all the time. He got Lucky for you so you and you're children wouldn't feel alone when he's on a mission.

You bought a tuxedo cat. Clint decided to name it Nick Furry. He took it to work one day and followed Fury around teasing him the whole day.

You got a great Dane. You named it Poptart Because it's probably the only dog he wouldn't step on. Surprisingly he hasn't tried to ride it yet. He likes to sit in the couch and watch movies with Poptart.

He bought a black cat. He named it Mister Bigglesworth after he watched Austin Powers. Him and the cat get along quite well but the cat seems to.hate you. Every time you go near it, it hisses at you. Loki says it's because you don't understand it.

You bought a beagle. You named it Chex Mix. He likes to walk it around your neighbor hood and your little girl absolutely loves her. You often find Chex Mix an your daughter sharing a bed.

You got a German shepherd. He love the loyalty of this dog. He named it the Winter Warrior. He trained winter to always protect you. He will play all sorts of game with him and take him on walks.

You both chose a little kitten and you named it paws. Paws likes to sleep on your lap while you read or watch tv. She has little stripes all over her and likes to think she's a lion. Wanda does all of the actually taking care of her things.

You got a cat. You both wanted to add to your family but weren't ready to have kids yet. You name him Jasper. He is a pure white cat and is very sneaky. Once you had kids the children lover him and vice versa.

You wanted to get something different so you bought a lizard. You named it Rascal because it was always getting out of its cage. He likes it cause it is fast like him. He used to have races with him just to make sure he was still faster.

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