songs that describe your relationship pt 1

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Your love is my drug by Kesha.

     This song because his love is like a drug to you. It's all you need in life or so you like to think. And the good thing is he feels the exact same way. He couldn't live without you.

Catch me by Demi Lovato. "Run far away so I can breathe even though you're far from suffocating me.... Every hello ends with a goodbye."

     You were scared to fall for him because he is the one and only Iron man. He could have any girl he wanted but yet he chose you. He was also scared because he doesn't open up very easily and he was scared you'd leave him. But in the end it all worked out. Well most times I mean he's Tony Stark.

Angel with a shotgun by the Cab. "They say before you start a war you better know what you're fighting for. Well baby you are all that I adore, if love is what you need a soldier I will be."
     This is the most fitting song for your relationship. He would do anything to keep you safe he'd start a war or move mountains just to keep you safe. He's your soldier, he loves you and he'd do anything for you.

Holding out for a hero.

     You were always waiting for a hero to save you and know you have that. He  your knight in shinning armour. You both love each other more than you can imagine.

All your life by band Perry. "I don't want the whole world. The sun, the moon, and all their light. I just want to be the only girl you love all your life."

      You don't need all the things in the world. All you want is to be loved by Clint. His love is all you need. And he feels the exact same way. He just needs you.

Just the way you are by Bruno Mars.

     He wouldn't want to change anything about you. He loves You exactly the way you are. He only wants to change one thing and that's your last name.

I did decide to keep writing these and I want to thank you for reading them. I never thought they were that good but it seems some people like them so I will continue. If you ever have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

Do you want me to add anyone else? 


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