Story Details

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Race Detail: Haroxian they are a deinonychus alien race that are 7 foot tall and 11 foot in length, they have a different varieties of feathers colors and different subspecies. Like most dinosaurs the males haroxians tend to have bright and colorful plumage while females have dark colors. Males can have colors like red, black blue orange yellow and white and females mostly have crimson black and brown and sometimes dark red, like all raptors, Haroxian are carnivorous race and sprint like normal raptors but their culture when it comes to fight they don't bite other Haroxians since their race follow strict their code of engagement for generations and biting is a poor stance of fight being mock and make them look weak and it shows a dishonorable look so they have to fight with their melee weapons as a stance of showing honor in battle. Since this race where genetic modified by an ancient precursor that disappeared long ago, they have bigger arms, hands with four fingers as claws and can turn up and down without breaking their wrist unlike the actual deinonychus that lived on earth millions of years ago and they can turn its body a little bit up and they have human intelligence so they can talk like human and think like one. They are very sophisticated, and some nations are advanced but still primitive. Most of them use magic.

MC Details: Verdin is a forty five years old male Haroxian with primary colors Red plumage and black stripes on the top of his upper body and white plumage under body from under his skull towards the tip of his tail, the tail has red feathers spread on both sides on the tip like a fan and an orange long crest, his claws on its forearms have red plumage with black on the tip that are like large wings and one of his foot claw like raptor curved blade its replaced with a golden claw, He's wearing earrings and he wears golden armor on top of his skull and armor plate on top of his body and another armor plate under his chest when he is in battle. His eyes are white with blue pupils, and his voice sounds very deep and sometimes menacing.

Karxilia City: Karxilia City is the Capital of the Harxarian Empire, one of the superpowers in Haraxia planet followed by the Shambalah Kingdom and the Himarian Republic. The city of Karxilia alone housed about two million Haroxians and the palace of the empress is a huge white pyramid surrounded by 6 more pyramids that are smaller than the white pyramid palace. In a ceremony to remember a fallen soldier of Harxarian Empire, the empress lights of a gem in the center of the pyramid that emits a white, blue beam of light on the top of the pyramid that symbolizes the fallen has reached the stars and he's now one of them.

(In this story there will be several concept arts created by me and other AI Generated illustrations for the reader to understand the ambient of the story since I'm not a good artist)

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now