Chapter 28: Secret Revealed

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Karxilia City / White Palace Pyramid Complex / Star Pyramid Academy / Night

Cyresa was exiting the classroom after a long day of classes with Madari and several other teachers from the Star Pyramid, the second biggest pyramid in the White Palace Pyramid Complex area. The Star Pyramid is the Empire's academy and a university for citizens and holds several classrooms. Cyresa must go tomorrow to the Pyramid that is in the front from Star Pyramid and next to White Palace Pyramid, several hundred meters away, the Pyramid of Knowledge. Another pyramid in the complex and the third largest pyramid in the complex. This one is the Harxarian Empire's grand library and archives for all knowledge and hold among thousands of books. She is walking with her new friends. Sira, Sulia and Vyda. All walking in the hallways of the Star Pyramid Academy and they are laughing from jokes they are making about their day. They have learned a lot from their history classes and magic lessons. Tomorrow she will take her first classes about science and math with her new friends. Sira and Sulia are pretty Retalis with beautiful plumage and very young like her. Vyda is a species she doesn't know but Vyda's snout is covered completely with feathers and her plumage is totally white like snow. She must ask Gladyr since she's very well informed on almost every aspect of the Haroxian Kind.

Cyresa: I must head tomorrow to the Pyramid of Knowledge for two books Madari told me I need to have.

Vyda: I can go with you I also need a few books for my science class.

Sulia: Yeah I think we must go together.

Sira: Ught, tomorrow is math. I hate math!

Vyda: Pffft relax I too hate math.

They continued giggling throughout the hallway until they have reached the massive triangular entrance of the pyramid. And Gladyr was there waiting for her. As Several parents waiting for her childrens. Cyresa went to hug her mom.

Princess Gladyr: (Hugging her) Hey there! So, how's your day in the academy?

Cyresa: It was great! I've already made new friends!

Princess Gladyr: Do you? I'm glad you socialize with new people. Show me your friends!

Cyresa grab her hand and she follow her. The three where gasped to see Cyresa mother.

Sira: Princess?!

Vyda: Cyresa...Princess Gladyr is your mother!?

Sulia: This is unbelievable!

Cyresa: She is! a long story but yes, she is my mother!

Gladyr was bigger than all of them obviously she is a full-grown adult female.

Princess Gladyr: (Chuckle) Cyre is indeed my daughter but I'm basically her stepmother but as she said is a long story and you two are beautiful Retalis!

Sulia: Oh, thank you! You too look beautiful!

Sira: That's nice to hear from you! Thanks! And yes, you look pretty Princess!

Princess Gladyr: (Laughing) That's what everyone around said to me that my mom and I we are pretty, maybe is because my blue plumage.

Sulia: You do have beautiful colors and Empress Falyria looks the same as you!

Sira: I agree! She does look like the Princess!

Cyresa: Mom, what species is Vyda? She doesn't know.

Vyda: Yeah, I've been asking everyone why I'm so different than Fentalis and Retalis in here and no one knows, some say I'm a Retalis and some say I'm a Fentalis which is ridiculous because look at me (she spins around to showcase her plumage) I have all white plumage entirely!

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now