Chapter 40: Andrex's Sacrifice

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Red Island City / Warzone / Midday / Battle for Red Island City

Saria was sprinting and slashing Red League Soldiers as they were charging in the city streets. Andrex was behind her shooting with his staff at the soldiers that was in the far distance.

Saria: Love in front of us!! (Two soldiers were chasing two kids)

Andrex: I got it...(Shot and kill) (Shot and kill) There kids are safe.

Saria: Hey you two!! Get over here! Our troops will keep you safe and help you getting out of here!

The little haroxians childrens sprinted towards them crying in terror and the imperials troops carried them to a safe place.

Andrex: They are safe for now. Come on lets move.

They sprint together towards the big building that is in the center of the city that looks like a stronghold, that's the slaving plant.

[Slaving Fortress]

Deuron: I need you to keep our slaves in here once I have my ships in the sought of the island and look for sentinels if they enter kill them do not fail me Sentinel Hunter.

Sentinel Hunter: (Snarling) I won't my lord....Consider the job done...

Deuron: Good....Ill be at the southern coast of the island (He used the last teleport device that he has and opened a portal and entered as it closed)

Sentinel Hunter: I smell blood!

Sentinel Hunter is another bloodthirsty Brute subspecies. He has dark plumage and a grey snout and golden sharp teeths and is carrying two katanas.

The civilians that are captured are shaking and scared in their cells as he was walking in front of the cells looking at each one with one katana in his hand.

Sentinel Hunter: Im getting hungry soon so im going to chose one of you as my food.

They were crying now and scared.

[Outside of the Stronghold]

Saria: I see the entrance.....Theres two guards inside lets shoot them

Andrex: You take the left one and I take the right one.

They both aimed at the soldiers and shoot at the same time killing them instantly.

Saria: Come lets go quick!

Andrex: Im right behind you.

They both sprinted towards the entrance.

Red League soldier: Huh...Whos there!? AGHHHHH!!! (Got slashed by Saria's G;adiator Staff)

Red League Soldier: Intruders!!! Kill theARRRRGHT!! (Got shoot by Andrex Staff)

Saria: We are close I believe theses civilians are here nearby.

Andrex: They are somewhere here, lets follow here in theses dungeons.

They are now walking down to a staircase leading to the dungeons.


Red League Soldier: Sir we got intruders!

Sentinel Hunter: Ill deal with them! Keep and eye our slaves!

Red League Soldier: Yes siAAAARGHT!!!! (Went flying after got shot from behind killing him there)

Saria: Who are you!?

Sentinel Hunter: I am but your demise!! (Pulls both katanas) FIGHT ME YOUR PATHETIC WEAKLING!!

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