Chapter 31: A Father's Vengeance

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Skies above Karxilia City / Daytime / Rescue plan

Verdin and Gladyr was in the back of the big wyvern Falcon, one of Gladyr's best friends. They left the city and all the Pyramids look small from the high they are. Another image flashed on Verdin..

Image flashed


Red League Soldier: Yes General! Wake up you weakling!! (Kicks hard her back)

Cyresa: (HURT) HMMMPHMM!! (Her Snout is still tapped, and she cannot talk at all)

Red League General: I would Kick her way harder so she wakes up more faster!

Red League Soldier: Should I do another Kick on her?

Red League General: Nah its alright, I feel baaaaad (Mocking) She is so defenseless that her daddy wont come to save her am im right little one? (Looking at Cyresa)

Cyresa: (Growling sound)

Red League Soldier: (Angry) Hey! Don't you dare to growl at our general!! (Kicks her again but in her face)

Cyresa: (Hurt badly) HMMMPHMMH!!!!

Red League General: (Laughing) That should do it! We will kick her later on alright!

Red League Soldier: Of course general!

Verdin also can see theres eight more soldiers in the camp. Ah! He recognizes where she is now! This is the plains near his past home when Cyra died during the attack. the plains near Sunset Village.

Images flashed and ended.

Falcon: Is he responding??

Princess Gladyr: (Shaking him) Verdin?! Can you hear me!?

Verdin: (Growl!!) General Scum!!!

Princess Gladyr: Woah! What happened??

Verdin: I got another vision! Falcon! Go to the southern part of White River Valley near Sunset Village!

Falcon: Are they there??

Verdin: They are on the Plains in the Valley! Love......We are going to give their general a slow painful death.

Princess Gladyr: They will all have slow painful deaths!

Verdin: I also got a target for you; I want you to beat badly this specific soldier who just kick Cyre in her face that she's bleeding now. If you see a Blue Fentalis Haroxian......Cut his legs of!

Princess Gladyr: (ANGRY GROWL!!)

Falcon: What about my squadron?

Verdin: Surround the perimeter of the camp, do not let anyone escape and if someone does.... Eat them.


Princess Gladyr: Oh he sounded happy to hear that!!

Falcon: (Move his head to look at them in his back) Princess...You and I are the same! We both hate this supremacist nation to all our hearts! They deserved nothing but being erased completely from our history!

Princess Gladyr: AGREED!!

Several Minutes they have arrived at their location, but Verdin has a new plan. A plan of surprise!

Falcon: I see the camp!

Verdin: That's it! Ok I got a new idea for fun! Falcon I need you to drop us here don't drop us in the camp.

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