Chapter 13: The Future

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Karxilia City / White Pyramid Palace / Pyramid Complex / Morning

Empress Falyria sat at her golden throne room, and she now demands Verdin and Gladyr to open the discussion of Cyra.

Empress Falyria: Everyone, Leave us...

Servants and guards left the room immediately...

Empress Falyria: Now.... Back to the matter of Cyra. Whats going on that I keep hearing you shouting at her name? I scent something strange between both of you not just lovers but theres something going on.

Princess Gladyr: I don't know where I should start but I guess I leave that to my future soon Husband here

Empress Falyria: Then step in Verdin and by the way Cyresa you look a little bigger is good to see you.

Cyresa: Yes, I am bigger now! (Smiling)

Empress Falyria: (Confused) What the f......!

Verdin: Alright let me start discussing what happened.

Empress Falyria: I've been dealing with shit this whole week and now this!! Explain and tell me what's going on from the beginning. Because that right there Cyresa, your daughter already talking like that at her age and she just what? One month old already?

Verdin: (Sighed) she is but alright so here how it started. Last night I couldn't sleep because of What Deuron said about that he has one of his assistants to help him harvest the artifact's energy.

Empress Falyria: Sarux? What about him?

Verdin: Your grace.....He's my brother.....

Empress Falyria: What...?! No way.

Verdin: it's a long story but anyways I couldn't sleep last night because of my tragic past and seeing him still alive so I went to the top of the roof in my appartement to watch the sky and be at peace for a moment and prayed why stuff like this kept happening on me and guess who appeared behind me there?

Empress Falyria: I'm guessing Gladyr obviously if she caught you leaving her in her sleep! (Laughing)

Verdin: No your grace....Cyra's spirit. She showed herself to me!

Falyria stood from her throne with shock.

Empress Falyria: You better not be joking? Verdin, she was one of my best friends you better not be joking! (Warned)

Princess Gladyr: He's not mother he's serious.

Verdin: I am Falyria... She revealed a few things to me she's the reason why Cyresa can talk now more and Cyra saw already our future she said we must stop Deuron and Sarux once and for all and that our world is indeed at risk.

Empress Falyria: I've guess this is it then, Cyra wasn't truly gone then but about our future did she says anything else regarding to it.

Verdin: She couldn't reveal much but she saw already the upcoming thousands of years ahead in our kind, but she said that our marriage will mark our race forever in some way we still don't know why but she assures me is something. Our marriage is part of her plan to ensure that our race is successful in something....

Cyresa: Mom is so smart!

Empress Falyria: And she's training her to talk like that?

Verdin: She visits her dreams all nights to teach her new words and how to talk.

Empress Falyria: That's......Thats the most beautiful thing a mother would do even in the afterlife visiting her child like she's letting them know that everything is okay (Falyria eyes watering) I could not think of anything of a better act than that...(wiping her tears)

Princess Gladyr: Mother?. Are you emotional?

Empress Falyria: Of course, I am! (She shouted scaring Gladyr) Do you have any idea how I could be like that for you, that's the best thing I've ever...............(She went silenced and looked away with tears flowing)

Princess Gladyr: (Walked towards her and place her hand in her mom's jaws, she was really emotional) Mother......You are the best mom I've ever had you gave me a happy life more than ever, don't forget of the happiness you gave me... (Empress Falyria broke in tears and started crying)

Verdin: I think I would suggest another topic of discussion if you don't mind Gladyr because this Cyra topic is hitting her really deep, she was her best friend from childhood if you remember, and I would not like to see my grace getting really emotional for that.... I think we have shared enough tears for now, but I want to say this. Cyra is watching all of us. She never where truly gone and disconnected from this world.

Princess Gladyr: I think that's for the best my love (Looking back at her mom) Are you going to be alright mother? Let's discuss another matter you know I love you as always... Let's discuss your trip how that vote in the senate went?

Empress Falyria: (Sobbing a little) Y...Yes, I'm sorry I've break down like this. Yes, let's talk about it, basically it went well we are now at war with the Conclaves Clan and apparently as expected, The Red League is supporting them but president Zandare from the Himarian Republic, despite our differences he reported me that there's other nations that might support the Conclaves too but is not many, we hope they don't.

Princess Gladyr: (Looking at Verdin) So this is it.... Another war after the Crusaders event...

Verdin: I guess this is it.... It was inevitable still, but we knew what was coming. When we expect the first battles or what's going to be our first moves your grace?

Empress Falyria: We are planning still but there's enough time for your marriage before we move.

Princess Gladyr: I think we must get our wedding ready in this week, I've already accepted Verdin as my husband even if we are not yet married. But I want to make this public already.

Verdin: Of course, same as you my love I've already accepted you as my wife now. I could think maybe in the upcom----

Rapid footsteps where sounding closer and closer someone was running towards the Throne Room

Saria: (Breathing Heavy and desperate) Your......Your majesty!!! They, they are coming it's happening......The city of (Gasping for air)

Empress Falyria: woah woah take a deep breath and talk slowly... alright what's wrong...?

Saria: Diamond City is under attack by the Red League! There are many ships in there fighting!

Verdin: We must move now! Your grace, I'm waiting orders......

Empress Falyria: Go Go, Take your sentinels and head immediately to our fleets. Daughter you will command the Seventh Fleet and prepare for a fleet battle, you see a ship with red flags, sunk it, remember they don't have the tech we have...

Princess Gladyr: Ill make you proud mom..

Verdin: Wait...what about my daughter? Madari is not here... I can't take her in the sight of a enemy attack! too dangerous for her!

Empress Falyria: Leave her with me ill take care of her now the three of you GO!

Cyresa walked towards the empress in her arms Shes now feeling safe while Saria Verdin and Gladyr sprinted to the exit of the Palace, now Harxarian Empire is truly at war since ten years.

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ