Chapter 36: Visions

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Karxilia City / Night / Cyresa's Dreams

Cyresa was in a deep sleep, and she was now having a vision, a weird one. She was seeing what it looks like a planet, it has ocean and green continents and desert parts too but there's something in there. On the night side of this world there's......Lights? Like artificial lights as if there's cities down there. She is feeling like she is floating in space close to orbit. Vision change and she sees weird structures above in orbit like outpost or something and it has blue long panels in two of their sides and the big outpost it has a long dark string that goes all the way to the planet surface to an island there [Space Elevator] It is weird she doesn't know what this is. Vision changed and she sees a red planet now completely all red in is surface and two polar caps and the same thing she sees, outpost and other objects moving across the area, and she saw one that have what it looks like engines with blue exhaust color. They are moving around and docking on the outposts. Vision changed and now she sees another planet but this one is yellow and it's bigger and has what it appears like giant rings around it and there's a moon and another outpost. What is this place? Vision changed again and she is seeing now another big planet but it has different lines of brown colors and has a Red Spot in its surface and it has four moons and two of them has cities in the night side, Vision changed again and she sees another planet this one is Cyan and has a ring but is tilted vertically and she sees the weird looking objects moving there and entering the planet. Vision changed yet again, and she sees a very dark blue giant planet with a dark spot and has one moon with a city on the night side. What is this place? Did she just see a star system? Vision changed now to a landscape with hills and flowers and a familiar voice was heard behind her.

Cyra: Darling.....

Cyresa: (Turning around) Mother? Is that you!?

Cyra: I am, it's been a while since I haven't seen you in your dreams (She sats down with her and they are all seeing a landscape of flowers with different colors) You have grown so much!

Cyresa: I have missed you. I was wondering when I would see you again in my dreams, I just got a weird looking vision.

Cyra: Oh did you?

Cyresa: I did, I don't know if it was you?

Cyra: I just got here to see you, no I haven't shown you anything. What did you see?

Cyresa: It was like....I don't know it was weird I saw like......I really can't explain......

Cyra: Most dreams are very difficult to comprehend darling is normal...

Cyresa: What do you got for me for teaching? I'm ready to learn something new from you! (Smiling)

Cyra: Well, you now know most words and fully talk them, so I got nothing else to show you but to spend a time with you here.

Cyresa: I would love to have you here for the rest of my dreams!

Cyra: Come here, sit close to me.

Cyresa stand up and rather sitting on Cyra side she decided to sat in front of her chest and her head was touching her mother's jaws she looked up while Cyra was looking slight down at her.

Cyresa: I loved to do this I don't know!

Cyra: You are so adorable! (She wraps Cyresa with her wing arms and hug her tight)

Cyresa: I love you mom. I wish you were still alive.

Cyra: I know you do.... But you love your stepmother like she is me, do you not?

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang