Chapter 19: Gladyr's Teachings

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Karxilia City / Sentinel Red Pyramid / Morning

It was morning in the city, a very warn weather in the arid biome with some forest and vegetations nearby where the city is located. Verdin, Gladyr and Cyresa are walking towards the colossal red pyramid that is basically the Harxarian Empire's military stronghold and headquarters and where most weapon forging supplies is there. Around Sentinel Red Pyramid, there's different small buildings in the perimeter and some of them have sparring grounds, military shopping, training grounds, and a military academy. There were others Haroxians in the area and they are doing their own business. Next to the left side of the red pyramid, there was a flat ground for testing anything that is projectile weaponry and behind the range was the wall of the pyramid and its giant red stone blocks. Verdin was setting up some small wooden bloks on top of rock pillars as target. He went back to Gladyr and Cyresa that will watch her testing her new toys and from behind them theres the whole group of sentinels and other cadets watching how the princess will hit multiple targets in a short period of time. Gladyr was really intimidating, her leather belts outfit she's carrying lots of blades, underneath her wing arms where the white plumage color are seen there's the sharp knives with the blade part looking down. And the side of her body, there's two set of daggers in each side. Gladyr was well armed to the teeth.

Verdin: How do you like your new outfit? Look at you! You have blades everywhere in your body and what are those ones you are carrying in your legs?

She was carrying two Royal sapphire knives in each of her side of the leg that is as big as her hand, those knives are extremely rare and its made purely of blue diamonds for the cutting sharp part the hilt is made of steel.

Princess Gladyr: Oh! Those ones down there? Royal Sapphire Knives.

Verdin: Royal Sapphire Knives..... Since when have you had those!? Those knives are very hard to find and extremely rare even to find on the world market.

Princess Gladyr: Oh, my grandmother gave it to me when she was empress back then as a birthday gift...

Verdin: Empress Felonya?

Princess Gladyr: Yes....I was like one year old back then.

Verdin: It was my greatest honor that I have served such great empress like her.... I miss her dearly.

Princess Gladyr: Yeah... I miss her dearly...But anyways I'm ready!

Verdin: Alright...let's go over to the range and prepare yourself, ill be todays instructor for our fellow cadets learning Crossbow weaponry.

Princess Gladyr: Let's do this!

Verdin and the rest of the spectator are following them till they reached inside the cabin and there some of the cadets like three of them shotting their bolts at their targets and she waits till is her turn.

Alaria: Stars Above! Princess How many blades are you carrying!?

Princess Gladyr: (Looking at her with arms crossed) Just a small few blades, why?

Andrex: A small few!??? You have like four daggers and including those knives you are carrying in your legs!

Saria: Our Princess is way more dangerous than we all thought! Last time when we were at Diamond City she was only carrying two daggers now she has four plus those knives down there!

Princess Gladyr: My husband Verdin gifted me theses too (She opened her wing arms to their sides showing the white color plumage and in it, there's more knives she was carrying)

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