Chapter 7: Unknown Structures

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Karxilia City / White Pyramid Palace / Morning

Verdin arrived at the white pyramid with her daughter in his arm carrying. He entered the triangular entrance and several people that passed next to him gave him salutes at him because of course, Karxalian sentinels are elite special soldiers that commands respect. As Verdin keep moving forward and heading at the throne room, he saw both the Princess and the Empress they are both making jokes, guessing some mother and daughter moments. They both send giggles as they were discussing something funny until......

Verdin: (Clearing throat)

Empress Falyria: Oh, Verdin you have arrived sorry about that how long you where there standing?

Verdin: Just now, even from half the hallway I could hear both of your giggles what you were laughing at? Mocking someone?

Princess Gladyr: (giggles) Oh, it was nothing I was telling my mother that one of my friends was at the shipyards and because he wasn't paying attention where he was stepping, he falls off from a cat bridge and went directly at the water below.

Verdin: Oh no! (Laughing) I'm guessing he has a bad day after all....

Princess Gladyr: Oh, you don't want to know, he was so embarrassed and because I was laughing at him do you want to know what he did after? He started to shake his body next to me! Sending water particles everywhere.

Verdin: I would done the same....

Princess Gladyr: (Loud Growl) Don't you even dare!

Verdin: (Chuckle) Anyways where's Madari?

Empress Falyria: She's somewhere in here, Madari!

Madari: (Faint voice in the distance) One second I'll be there!

Rapid footsteps where sounding closer and closer...

Madari: Alright I'm here what I mi......Verdin?? Is that your kid??

Verdin: What if I say it is?

Madari: Stars Above! She does look exactly like your wife!

Verdin: I know, I was wondering if you could take care of her while I'm away on my mission?

Madari: Me taking care of her was already an order from my grace in here.

Verdin: Splendid thank you, your majesty!

Empress Falyria: As always. Come lets go get your group ready.

Verdin: Sure. Alright Cyresa I'll be back later (Hands Cyresa to Madari in her arms) Please do not bite Madari okay...

Cyresa: (Low growling)

Madari: Oh, she's savage! I felt her little growling.

Princess Gladyr: Believe me she really bit her dad earlier. Only a small nibble.

Madari: (Laughing) No worries I'll keep an eye for here. She's safe with me, aren't you sweetheart (looking at Cyresa in her arms)

Empress Falyria, Princess Gladyr and Verdin where walking together in the vas hallways of the white pyramid and heading to a council room and there where already the sentinels getting ready for their next adventure.

Princess Gladyr: Alright everyone have a seat so my mother can begin with the task.

The six sentinels and the sentinel master Verdin had seated he was close to the empress and Saria and the princess was sitting on the left side of her mother.

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now