Chapter 39: Battle for Red Island City

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Red Island Coastline / Sea battle aftermath / Morning

Saria open one eye and she saw it was daytime and in her side Andrex and his body touching hers still snoring as he is still asleep and he has his left arm on her back. She gently pulls his arm away and she stood to look at the window to see outside and all she can see was Red Island City and everything was quiet, both her nation and its allies are patrolling around as Red League naval fleet collapses yet again. Several knocks was heard in her door and she went there and opened

Saria: Gladyr!

Princess Gladyr: I can see you are happy and Andrex is here too?

Saria: (Worried) Oh yes but it was nothing. Let me get my armor.

Princess Gladyr: Saria.... Saria I can smell something that you are not telling me.

Saria: Really...It was nothing.

Princess Gladyr: (Laughing) Saria! You think I would be mad about that! I know you and Andrex had the most intimate moment last night and the evening, IM PROUD OF YOU!

Saria: I......You know?

Princess Gladyr: Of course, I know! there's nothing wrong with that, I too have my fun with Verdin in our room last night but we didn't do, you know.... That.... what you and Andrex did.....Verdin, he said he will fulfill my wish after this whole thing is settled.

Saria: That was the most beautiful experience I ever had in my life Gladyr.

Princess Gladyr: Love is beautiful Saria. I know that too was beautiful I can tell. But anyways I don't want to interrupt your honeymoon with your lover here so I'm going up there.

Saria: (Looking at Andrex in the floor as he is still asleep) Don't worry about it. Im going up there too.

Princess Gladyr: Well then.....Accompany me up there if you want.

Saria pick up her stuff and left her room and close the door gently, so she doesn't wake up Andrex as he is still asleep.

Princess Gladyr: (Standing in the right side of the ship looking at the City) We will initiate our liberation of Red Island very soon.

Saria: (Standing beside her) Do you think they will greet us like their saviors?

Princess Gladyr: Oh, Im sure the people are suffering under Red League. They wouldn't mind about what our nation have plans for them.

Saria: Which is?

Princess Gladyr: Independence. Mother wants to give them independence.

Saria; Why not take them as our territory?

Princess Gladyr: That's how Hegemony nations emerge you know.

Saria: It...It was a suggestion.

Princess Gladyr: I know, but mother doesn't want to go on that route anymore, we have enough territories, and our empire size is decent for our economy and our bureaucracy is perfect. She wants the people of Red Island their choice of being independent but if they wish to be part of our nation then so be it. Mother doesn't want to force them to join us and im here standing by her decree and wishes.

Saria: I understand....Falyria she is just really the kindest Empress our nation has ever seen, she is really caring but at that level......

Princess Gladyr: She cares the world order Saria, trying to prevent unrest and looking for unity in the Grand Senate. But half of the nations don't like our nation and our allies. But many of them have common decency and they give actual reasons of what they dislike about our nation and trust me. Many of them I have respect because they are being honest and also they being respectful with their comments and mother respects their dislikes of course as long is in a respectful manner unlike Red League that they trash talk against us all the time.

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