Chapter 42: Bloodshed

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Red Island City / Slaving Fortress / Evening / Saria's Feral Instinct

Princess Gladyr was sprinting with her group of three brutes, Verdin, Harux and Sarux in the streets as they are killing countless of Red League Soldiers and still plasma bolts from staffs are still flying across the streets and there's the sound of metal clashing from melee weapons, they have saved over twenty families already from being abducted by this terrorist nation. She is approaching now to the center fortress of the city as the group sees civilians exiting the fortress entrance as they are running for their lives.

Princess Gladyr: We must protect them! Lets head inside and see if we can save more civilians in the cells!

Verdin: Saria and Andrex might need our help so lets go inside now!

Harux: Troopers!! Protect theses civilians!! Keep them safe!!

Troppers "Yes Sir!!!"

Princess Gladyr: Lets go! (She sprinted towards the fortress entrance followed by the three brutes Haroxians)

Moments later they walked down towards the dungeons and all they see was nothing but bloodshed.....

Verdin: What the hell......(He looks around and sees bodies torn apart)

Princess Gladyr: I hope Deuron is not here....

Harux: Theses are Red League Soldiers eaten alive?? I don't think Deuron is capable of eating his allies like this.... well, he might did but is for a reason.

Sarux: (Sniffing around the dead body and realize something) NO....!! No, Nonono!!

Princess Gladyr: (Concerned) What!? What you found!?

Sarux: Gladyr! Verdin! Is.. Is Saria! I recognize her scent!!

Verdin: Saria!? Saria is not capable of doing something like this!!

Princess Gladyr: I do agree! Saria would never do something like this, she is too young and very softy to devour theses soldiers like that, we must keep finding where Andrex and Saria are.

Sarux: Fine if that so I believe you two then but im sure that's Saria scent. Ill look around and see what I can find.

Princess Gladyr: It seems that the cells are opened as all civilians left which is good, but we need to find these two. Verdin and Harux go that way. Sarux keep an eye in the entrance of the dungeons, I will look down in these hallways, now split!

They split and Gladyr was walking the long hallway that leads to a massive room that has a sinkhole and she sees Saria looking at the wall in the corner, but Andrex isn't anywhere to be seen. She was there kneeling as she was crying low, grieving, mourning in pain. Gladyr was behind her five meters away.

Princess Gladyr: (Worried) Saria??

Saria was still crying low and sobbing...

Princess Gladyr: Saria is me. What happened and where's Andrex?

Saria: (Stands up and turned to look at Gladyr)

Gladyr is now concerned as she sees Saria's snout covered in blood.

Princess Gladyr: (Concerned) Saria.....Saria are you okay???

Saria: (Grieving) Gladyr!.......Gladyr I did it....I killed them all!! I ATE THEM!!!! ALL OF THEM!!!

Princess Gladyr: (EYES WIDENED!!!!) ...................

Saria: (Snarled) They got what they deserved!! They were my prey for what they had done!!!

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