Chapter 5: Fatherhood

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Karxilia City / Sentinel Red Pyramid / War room / Evening

The room was gathered as the sentinels and the princess watched Verdin becomes a father for the first time as he removes the fragments of the egg reveling the little haroxian chick he takes the princess milk bottle and proceed to feed the chick.

Saria: Aawww it's adorable!

Princess Gladyr: it is adorable and by the looks of it Verdin that's a female congratulations you have a daughter!

Verdin: How do you know?

Princess Gladyr: (Pointing and touching the snout of the chick) This, Female chicks have darker skin even though she doesn't have her feathers yet but as you can see by the looks of the little skin features, she looks like her mom, your wife.

Verdin hearing this was like a wind bust in his chest. He's thinking about what if, if her daughter is a exact replica of Cyra in terms of color patterns.

Verdin: I want to believe it is true then if she's like her mom it will give me more peace.

After the chicks done drinking the milk Verdin proceeded to carry her gently in his hands at least his talons will keep her safe he proceeds to put his nostril close to the chick and she was calmed after that while she did the same, smelling his scent.

Saria: Oh but you look at that! Your dad instincts kicked in!

Verdin: (Sniffing gently at the chick) I'm surprised as much this is totally a new experience for me after I've devoted my Forty years of war and battle this is totally different, I felt like an idiot!

Princess Gladyr: No, No don't shame yourself like that, we all know all you have been through Verdin, come let's head back to your apartment ill talk with my mother to stay with you for a night if you don't mind...

Verdin: If you want sure but I would like a moment with my daughter alone if that's alright for the rest of the day.

Princess Gladyr: Because this is new for you, I ask because I worry about your kid, I rather would like to help you till you are ready to handle for yourself you been in too many wars and battle you only seen violence, this is something else.

Verdin: Fine ill take your offer graciously thanks.

Later, Verdin and the Princess left the Sentinel Red Pyramid as they are walking towards Verdin apartments. They have now arrived at his doors.

Princess Gladyr: I'll be right back.

She proceeded to sprint so fast that she's already closing in at the palace shes only a small blue little thing in the distance each second passing.

Verdin: (Holding still the chick in his claws and looking at it) I promise to be the best father you ever had, Cyresa.

In respond Cyresa gave him a small little adorable noise back at his nostril, she's so small and so innocent that he would hold her for an eternity and keep her under his claws.

A minute passed and he heard a nocking in his doors obviously it's the Princess she wouldn't dare to leave him alone her mother mode is really strong that she refuses to leave the poor thing without supervision but of course she's doing it for the good of Verdin.

Verdin: (Opening the door) Seriously. I know our kind can sprint fast but how fast are you exactly? I'm not even that fast as you!

Princess Gladyr: Im probably the fastest thing in our empire if im not mistaken.

Verdin: Come in.

She entered the apartment and she saw the chick already in a box sleeping peacefully she went at it.

Verdin: Cyresa I named her Cyresa. You were right. She does look exactly like Cyra.

Princess Gladyr: Not even surprised you going to name something similar like Cyra. Verdin I'm starting to think Cyra's death hurt you so much that it traumatized you.

Verdin: She was everything to me. I lost control of myself. I went feral to those clans' member that they were shaking to their core im not sure what it was, but I was making calls I never make before.

Princess Gladyr: Feral Fury. That's what it was is an ability. Your anger and fury consume you so much that you tend to forget about you.

Verdin: I feared much. I felt I wasn't myself. I almost bit one of the clans I felt to do that, but I held it because of our code.

Princess Gladyr: I hope Cyresa gives you some measure of peace eventually just look at her sleeping peacefully. I rather not disturb her she's in a deep sleep.

It was night and Verdin picked Cyresa up gently and went to his living quarters where she places her in his bed in the middle.

Princess Gladyr: She's feed now but she's cold you better give her some warn.

Verdin stepped up on his bed and laid down gently on top of Cyresa covering her with his wing arms. She's now feeling satisfied that she's right in his chest.

Verdin: So, what you were saying (Smug voice)

Princess Gladyr: Unbelievable.... Your father's instincts impress me you really know what to do!

Verdin: (Laying his head right on his wing arms) I guess I don't know is just the instinct is there in all of us is not something you learn is something you carry with.

Princess Gladyr: It is... But you surprised me because you are showing at first hand while some others, they get frustrated of what to do, you should be a proud father.

Verdin: I guess so.

Princess Gladyr: Well ill be leaving for now but, i will come back tomorrow to check on you and her alright?

Verdin: Yes of course! take care of yourself Princess!

Gladyr left his room and his home and she is heading back to the palace, she surely will check for now on him further on until his daughter is already strong enough. She arrived moments later back at home and she was greeted by her mother immediately.

Empress Falyria: So how was that?

Princess Gladyr: Oh Verdin is doing quite well! im so surprised how he is doing and handling with his daughter! her name is Cyresa!

Empress Falyria: What a beautiful name! sounds like Cyra!

Princess Gladyr: It does!

Empress Falyria: I want you to keep checking on him for now on.

Princess Gladyr: Yes mother I Will. ill be heading to sleep since I'm so exhausted.

Empress Falyria: Go for it! Good night my sweet bean!

Gladyr went to her room few minutes later and she laid down to her bed and proceed to sleep. after an hour she fell asleep, she is dreaming something weird but also.... some voices... she's on a beach by herself and it was a night sky full of stars but then she hears some voices.


A Bright star lights up in the skies and its white and bigger than all of the stars visible.




Princess Gladyr: Ummm......hello????

"Gladyr....... Please........ Protect her.........You must......Protect........her......."

Princess Gladyr: Protect who??? who are you????

Then the voices and whispers stop and the bright stars vanishes as its light slowly fades and she wakes up.

Princess Gladyr: (Still night) Well, what a weird dream...?

[Continues next chapter]

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