Chapter 12: Cyra's Reveal

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Karxilia City / Verdin's Home / Morning

It was morning and finally Verdin could sleep well, he opened his eyes and looked around the sun was at its sunrise already shining through his face and he looked on the left side of him and Glady and his daughter wasn't there with him in the bed, probably awake already. He stood and stretched and left the room heading to the kitchen he can hear giggles and laugh and Gladyrs voice playing probably with Cyresa. He now remembers what Cyra said to him that his daughter will soon be more talkative, and she was right.

Cyresa: Mommy I want to play with theses!

Princess Gladyr: Not now sweetheart you need to eat. Here eat these salmons.

Cyresa: Fine I'll eat... (Sad child voice)

Verdin stood in the hallway baffled from those words, Cyra wasn't joking about teaching his daughter to talk like that..

Verdin: (Arms crossed) Gladyr.... I need to talk with you.

Princess Gladyr: I didn't see you there, Cyresa go in your father's room and stay there for a moment alright...

Cyresa: I will and hi dad! ....(She runs to Verdins Living quarters)

Princess Gladyr: (looking at Verdin with wide eyes of surprise) This feels like a dream to me...I've woke and she was talking words we haven't yet teach her.....

Verdin: That's what exactly I'm going to reveal to you now as promised...

Princess Gladyr: Oh yeah, my promised now tell me what happened last night (She lift her hand ready to slap Verdin)

Verdin: (Chuckle) Alright I know what's going on with Cyresa and what happened...

Princess Gladyr: So, tell me, I really want to know how she is learning to talk all by herself without us teaching her. You know this is unusual and strange...

Verdin: Gladyr you will not believe me but......Is Cyra, she's visiting Cyre's dreams every night and teaching her to speak...

Princess Gladyr: (Shouted) ......WHAT!?! (Jaw still open)

Verdin looked around in the windows to see nobody is awake in his neighborhood.

Princess Gladyr: Oops I think I've woke everyone (covering her snout)

Verdin: Stars Above Gladyr... you indeed woke some people around.

Princess Gladyr: (Froze) So its Cyra after all this time??

Verdin: She is, Cyre even knows her past and that she is her true mother...

Princess Gladyr: Well I... that's really compel......wait a moment? You say she knows Cyra's past like the day she died.

Verdin: Everything...

Princess Gladyr: that's why she was crying that night?

Verdin: Correct, she was crying because it was at that moment my wife was showing her past and what happened to her, but she calmed her down that's why she stopped crying when you and I woke...

Gladyr walked away with her hands in his face trying to process everything.

Princess Gladyr: Verdin.... she's not truly gone then....

Verdin: She's not... She also told me another topic regarding Cyre that keeps my attention.

Princess Gladyr: Which is?

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