Chapter 20: Verdin's Comfort

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Karxilia City / Sentinel Red Pyramid / Saria's Chamber / Night

Saria is currently in her personal living quarters it was night as she was sitting on the floor in her balcony in the red pyramid. She's looking at the White Pyramid Palace beaming a white beam of light at the skies as if someone died in the war. she was looking too at the pyramid complex around the White Pyramid, she was really broken and ashamed of herself she cannot forgive herself about the rhetoric comment she made during the day. When she made Gladyr shout at her she has never seen Gladyr that Pissed or even that angry, but she was angry at herself, and her biggest fear is losing her position of sentinel. She was afraid if Verdin found out what happened she fears him and Gladyr to her core, but she's loyal to both to the ends. She heard three knocks at her door, someone visiting her, maybe Andrex since she and him are starting to have feelings for each other for the past four weeks.

Saria: (From her balcony) Enter!

The door opened and she was hearing loud footsteps and once the Haroxian showed in her balcony she was scared...

Saria: (Body shaking) ..........Master!?

Verdin: Surprise??

Saria: ............

Verdin: (Tilt his head) I'm going to act like Gladyr, why the long face Saria?

Saria: I.........I'm guessing you know?

Verdin: About what you said? Yes, I'm very much aware...

Saria: I deserve it......I'm an idiot.... stupid I am...I've dishonored both you and Gladyr and I can't fix things for what I've said.... I really should have di---

Verdin: (Low tone) That's enough Saria. Stop saying about you should have died you are neither any of those comment you have made yourself and the fact is laughable that you are submitting punishment while I just arrived and only said that I'm aware of what happened nothing more....

Verdin walks towards her balcony and sat down alongside her and looking at her expression she was looking at the city, scared of what Verdin will say she was even shaking.

Verdin: (Looking at her) Saria......look at me...

Saria: (Turned slowly to look at Verdin) Master ......I'm afraid!!

Verdin: Saria.... (Puuurrrr) You have no reason to be this scared, why are you so afraid? look at you, your entire body is shaking, and I can scent fear in you... Why are you afraid? It is because of me?

Saria: (Shaking and even her voice is stuttering) Y.... Yes Master.....I'm in terror because what punishment you will bring on me.....I'm entirely hurt that I've dishonored our code....

Verdin: (Tilt his head in curiosity)

Saria: W.... What???

Verdin: The fact you are talking about me passing judgement on you. Its making my night.

Saria: Master....I.....(Sighted) I don't know what I can say I yield.

Verdin: Saria.......

Verdin stood where he was and sat close to Saria, very close that their bodies are touching, and she was shaking ever more than before Verdin could feel her body shaking of terror. Verdin put his wing arm around her body, comforting her and she calmed down a little.

Verdin: (Voice tone is soft and comforting as he was talking close her ears) Saria...I'm not punishing you.... Why should I do that to you? Because you feel the same way I did? My desire is to bring justice, the same way your desires is to bring justice. Stars Above we are Sentinels Saria. Guardians of Karxilia City and our empire, our purpose is to bring justice! My past is something I'm still debating what should I do with my brother after all the things he opinion he does not deserve a Honorable death because he's working against our kind but you need to be careful with comments like the one you did. You cannot disrespect your opponents. The thing between me and my brother is a personal matter that I don't want you to get yourself into it. Because this is a family issue. Do you understand?

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن