Chapter 50: Family

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Karxilia City / Verdin's Home / Morning

Princess Gladyr wakes up in early morning and went to the kitchen, but she hears Saria calling for her as she passed her doors.

Saria: (Calling her) Gladyr! You are there!?

Princess Gladyr: (Opening the door concerned) What is it?? Are you alright and how you feel??

Saria: Gladyr....I think my life changed forever! I know why I was feeling ill yesterday!

Princess Gladyr: And why you sounding happy??

Saria: Are you ready to see?

Princess Gladyr: Huh? I mean yeah show me I have no idea.

Saria was laying on her bed the whole time and she had both her wing arms covering something in her chest as she was protecting something.........

Saria: (Chuckled) Gladyr.....Look at this....(She moved one of her wing arms away and Gladyr was stunned)

Princess Gladyr: (GASPING ALOUD) YOU........ARE THOSE......EGGS!!!! YOU LAID EGGS!!??

Saria: (Joyful and tears) Gladyr I believe I'm a mother now!

Verdin: (Opening the door) What's going on why all the screaming?


Verdin: Okay so what it was....

Princess Gladyr: (EXCITED) SHOW HIM!!

Saria: Master look at this (Moved her wing arms showing two white eggs)


Saria: I know!! I don't know what to say, I don't know if this is bad or good I just.....

Princess Gladyr: SARIA!! Motherhood!! You have offspring!! Two offspring!! YOU MUST BE PROUD OF THIS!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

Verdin: Saria...Saria look at me!! That's is the best and final gift Andrex gave you! He sacrificed because of that too!! He had this planned already!! (Looking up) Stars Andrex You are so smart!!!

Cyresa: Im hearing Saria is mother!?

Princess Gladyr: She is Cyre!! Look the eggs but don't touch it!!

Cyresa: Mom im not stupid, of course I won't! (She went and look at the eggs) They are somewhat bigger than I thought....

Verdin: Your where smaller than her eggs.

Cyresa: Am I??

Verdin: Yes! But this is a beautiful moment, Saria for you! You are now a mother!!

Saria: It's a lot to process I mean immediately when I laid them, I cover them with my plumage immediately it was like in a instant! How I know this when nobody teaches me motherhood?!

Princess Gladyr: Because that's mother instinct, is something you carry with since you are born. I cannot wait to see when they hatch but whatever you need Saria let me know, are you hungry or drink something?

Saria: Now I do need food all the sudden I'm hungry!! (Laughing)

Princess Gladyr: Ill get you something.

She went to prepare food for Saria in the kitchen.


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