Chapter 14: Gather the Fleet

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Karxilia City / Road to Sentinel Red Pyramid / Morning

Saria, Verdin and Gladyr are sprinting at really fast speed heading towards the Sentinel Red Pyramid where is basically the Empire's Barracks for the military and the sentinels but its mostly a strong hold for soldiers.

Verdin: (Sprinting) So! From who you received this reports?

Saria: (Sprinting) From Governor Eagle, he said there's lots of fighting in the last hours and his ships are getting destroyed but he believes we could crush them with our current tech..

Princess Gladyr: (Sprinting) That's good, so we have a huge advantage against them. Get everything ready once we have our soldiers ready for battle! My claws are itching with blood already!

Verdin: (Sprinting) I guess but love do what your best at

Princess Gladyr: (Sprinting) What's that?

Verdin: (Sprinting) Bark orders...

Princess Gladyr: (Sprinting) Aahhh Ahaa! Today its my day for that!

Saria: (Sprinting) I knew it! I knew you two are up to something.

Verdin: (Sprinting) No you don't (Smirk)

Saria: (Sprinting) After watching you two running around tail slapping in your faces and the Princess chasing you and slapping you!? Sure you are up at something well when its going to be the wedding?

Princess Gladyr: (Sprinting) We have no date yet but we already decided and accepted us being married already.

Saria: (Sprinting) Already!?

Princess Gladyr: (Slowing down) Yep already.

The three of them are closing in at the massive red pyramid to gather everyone for battle there where already soldiers exiting the massive triangular entrance of the pyramid and marching in formations there's like already not hundreds but thousands of Haroxians soldiers and there's also getting the Wyverns ready to send them into battle. There were some already on land and some flying in circle around the pyramid, the princess walked toward the front of the entrance a few meters always and jumped on a tall rock to get everyone's attention.

Princess Gladyr: (Loud Raptoric Call)

Everyone stopped marching and some remained in their formations and looked at the Princess in her left side it was Verdin and in her right side was Saria.

Princess Gladyr: Everyone I have an announcement to make. Ill be your commander during this battle but I want to inform you that our empire is officially at war with the conclaves, we are being deployed to Diamond City and we will send the help they're needing, and we will destroy every ship that has a Red League mark. Come on get your stuff ready, its war time Come on MOVE IT!

All formations are heading to different parts around the red pyramid, The sentinels are now exiting from there too with their shiny golden armor and their gladiator staff, Verdin has his armor and staff too and such as Saria but Gladyr is wearing the same armor too and two golden daggers and three golden shuriken in her belt.

Rexus: Well, well, well. Princess it's an honor to serve under your command, our saffs are at your service, we are waiting orders...

Princess Gladyr: Follow me.


Karxilia City / Shipyard Docks / Morning

Five minutes later the sentinels and the Princess arrived at the Shipyards docks and ships where already getting dropped from their ramps and in the front of the bay a massive fleet. The seven Fleet there's two battle cruisers, several destroyers four standard cruisers and one battleship all of them equipped with cannons powered by Kisar Crystals. Above the skies the roars of wyverns flying above towards the seven-fleet landing on the battleships getting ready to send in the airs. This is the only fleet being deployed for combat. The Fifth Fleet is currently in the Dorian Ocean patrolling around, the rest of the empire's fleet are inactive at the moment so far only two naval fleets are operating.

Princess Gladyr: Come on all of you open those gates! We are going in!

The sentinels and the princess boarded the Battleship named after her, HENS Gladyr. HENS Stands for "Harxarian Empire Navy Ship" Few wyverns with their riders landed on the ship and crews already loaded the giant main battery guns and the ship is covered with armor platting in the broadsides, The princess sends the call to open the gate and the docks as the ship started sliding slowly till it touches the water and light up its four main rear engines and the ship was moving forward towards the seven fleet.

Princess Gladyr: Are you all ready?

Alaria: We are ready for our duties my princess, no need to worry us let's get the job done.

Princess Gladyr: That's what I want to hear, I'm also a soldier this day fighting for our people.

Princess Gladyr used her war horn to let the nearby ships move forward with her flagship.

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