Chapter 32: Sarux Betrayal

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Conclave Clans Underground Caverns / Daytime / Artifact Room / Two days later

Sarux was in the room where the strange mysterious cylindrical artifact is located as it was in the center of the large cavern room. The Artifact itself emits its own energy. The center of it has a bright particle that is fading light back and forth. It's really a piece of technology lost by its creators as he has no idea what he's playing with only to expect achieving weapons for his own desires, but he is conflicted right now he starting to think if fighting his own brother might be not worth it after he learned he has a daughter. He doesn't want that girl growing up without a father. He moves closer to the artifact as he is inspecting it, he only hears is the humming sound of the energy pulse from its center a very cyan bright light particle of some sort.

Sarux: (Muttering) Do I.... really have to do this?

Deuron entered the room cavern and looking at Sarux that was touching the artifact.

Deuron: Any progress my disciple? If you don't get this right I might going to achieve this by myself.

Sarux: Do we have to do this sir? Do we know what exactly we are playing with?

Deuron: Now you are starting to have conflict in you I can smell it you know!

Sarux: Sir with respect I must protest because it might be concerning, Look at this thing. It doesn't look like anything we have seen from this world, that thing it doesn't sound that it's made by magic!

Deuron: (Low Growl) Sarux!.....Do it, I need the objects energy to be harvested with your magic so you can overpower yourself.

Sarux: Sir.....This thing does not emit magic at all. We are playing with fire and we do not understand this artifact's capabilities!!


Sarux: (Looking at him angered)

Deuron: I will look after someone you clearly failed me!

Deuron left the room angered and looking for someone that has enough magic to harvest the artifact energy.

Sarux: (SIGH) What is wrong with this guy I swear......(Went back to look at the artifact and touched the center part)

He is feeling its energy now way stronger than before and all of the sudden.........

Vision flashed.......

Verdiana: (Scolding and raised tone) You always went too hard on him Verdin! you didn't even hear his version of the story when you two where stupidly fighting! why is that!?

Verdin: (Tears flowing) I told him he was weak after I've beat him in a One vs One practice match back when he wanted to join the sentinels.....I was the reason why he hates me now (Tears) I was his own bully!!

Vision Flashed......

Verdiana: And you admit that...But promised me that you will treat your brother better next time he needs you more than ever. You still have time to fix this..

Borian: In a few days he will be betrayed.... You need to get him and help him out. Your mother and I, we are done and tired of seeing both of you fighting like children's enough is enough! You two are grown adults for fighting who is right and wrong! I will say this. Your brother didn't kill either me or you mother, Deuron's clan did! Sarux was forced to watch from outside of our home during the bloodshed.

Verdin: (Looking at the waters in the horizons) Then.... Ill will fix this... I'll get him with me, and I will apologize to him. I'm sorry for what we did......

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now