Chapter 44: Revolt

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Red Island / Night / Three Hours after the Warzone

Princess Gladyr and her group waited for the wyverns to finish patrolling around the city in search of any Red League Soldiers that are still lurking in the city.

Falcon: (Landing in front of the group and touched down) The city is safe Princess, we have found no other Red League Soldiers around and the people are safe for now.

Princess Gladyr: Very good General Falcon, we have another mission we need to head to the south city.

Falcon: Blue Canyon City??

Princess Gladyr: Yep, Deuron is currently in the ports waiting for slave ships little did he know that we already free the people that where suppose to be his slaves.

Falcon: Well, lets mount up and fly there immediately

The group mounted on the wyverns and they all lunged to the night skies that is full of stars, millions of bright blue, white red and yellow stars and the bright brown cloud that stretches from the horizon of the surface to the skies above. The galaxy itself......

Verdin: (Behind Gladyr while they are sitting on Falcon's back) Its beautiful....

Princess Gladyr: The stars? Yeah, now all the things that you mention it makes senses now.... Look at the brown cloud in front of us in the far distance. Even the two grey rings up in the skies are very bright!

Verdin: Our galaxy. No wonder that our sun is one of the stars that resides there, same goes to Arbiter and Savior up there.

[Savior is a white star in color, and it is of the biggest star in their night skies and Arbiter is a blue star and its smaller but very visible in the skies]

Falcon: We will arrived in the city in one day, is a long journey but we can talk about Verdin's favorite topic in our journey am I right friend?

Verdin: Of course, general. What do you think about the universe so far.

Princess Gladyr: To be honest I want to admit what do you think Falcon? I too want to hear about your opinion of the universe from a wyvern's point of view.

Falcon: Well like you want me to be honest about or are you joking?

Princess Gladyr: I'm serious.

Falcon: (Looking at the skies) To be honest, after everything we have seen for example, the Xantarians, the weapon system, the supposed galaxy which im assuming is that big brown cloud up there, well I admit that we live in a universe that I still cannot comprehend much. This all things that we have seen are mysterious to me and my kind, but the talk about another race out there? I don't know and even this Sol system is really weird like why its information is lock to you and Unit?

Verdin: (Looking at Gladyr) Shall we tell him about Cyre vision love?

Falcon: Cyresa had a vision?

Princess Gladyr: I think we should tell him now. Falcon......our daughter Cyre had a vision a few days ago before we departed from Karxilia and her vision its weird when she explained to us.

Falcon: Oh.....I want to hear then.

Princess Gladyr: We have a theory why Sol system is locked from her and Unit.

Falcon: Do you? So, whats your theory then?

Princess Gladyr: Cyre told us that she had a vision of Sol system as if someone is showing to her and apparently, she saw this Earth that we assuming is a world, according to her, she confirmed that Earth is a world that looks like ours. But there's something weird that she saw on Earth.

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant