Chapter 18: Wedding Ceremony

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Karxilia City/ White Pyramid Palace / Night (Four months later)

Verdin and Gladyr are now officially heading to their wedding together. Thousands of people are gathered around the Pyramid Complex, even the sentinels are there too. Verdin was wearing a leather helmet with jewels and walking with Gladyr and she is wearing lots of jewelry basically what she wears mostly as princess when she is around, they are walking towards the White Pyramid Palace. Everyone around them was cheering at them. Once they entered the throne room. There was Empress Falyria standing in her Throne smiling both and to the right side of Falyria is Cyresa, she's now way bigger she's five months old and she's fully feathered and fluffy now and way more mature but still a child and still learning but she can fully talk way more words.

Empress Falyria: Verdin. Do you accept Princess Gladyr as your wife and promise you will love her and protect her?

Verdin: Yes! Always!!

Empress Falyria: Princess Gladyr. Do you accept Verdin as your Husband and promise you will love him and protect him?

Princess Gladyr: Yes! I will always love him and protect him!!

Empress Falyria: As of today, marks a historic wedding in Harxarian Empire where a princess is married to a sentinel master for the first time in our history, the bond between both of you is now sealed and you may call yourself Wife and Husband you may kiss.

Verdin and Gladyr proceed to jaw lock like kiss as everyone was cheering as it was the first time a Princess married a Sentinel in the Harxarian Empire, they stood like that for a good one-minute showing everyone their unbreakable love for each other. Falyria was there smiling with a tear flowing as she sees her daughter finally getting married after long years of her being alone and solitary. But no longer, they are now officially wife and husband. They stopped and Falyria went to Gladyr.

Princess Gladyr: This is the most beautiful day in my life!

Empress Falyria: (Hugged her so hard) I'm so happy for you Gladyr. I'm so proud of you. And your father might too.

Princess Gladyr: (Smiling) he must be!

Empress Falyria: I hope all of you enjoy the party! Please enjoy yourselves! (Looking around at the gathered crowd)

Everyone was enjoying the palace party there where magic orbs of light with different colors and music from a band, several started dancing.

Verdin: (Looking at Gladyr) Want to dance? (Smirking)

Princess Gladyr: (Chuckle) Sure love! I was waiting a long time for this moment!

They both started dancing in the center. Gladyr was showing off her blue and white plumage around, she was beautiful and vibrant. People around were cheering at her as they where both holding their hands lifting their bodies up and their heads looking at each other smiling as they started dancing.

Verdin: Beautiful night my love?

Princess Gladyr: Oh, my heart.... You have no idea I could literally bite your face off as I'm looking at it!

Verdin: (laugh) I know you would do. Maybe tonight once we are home you could do whatever you want as I'm all yours...... (Voice admitting submission)

Princess Gladyr: (Closing her nostril to his ears and speaking in a low tone) You are all mine as always! You are entirely mine! I am your alpha now! (Low growl)

Verdin: (Laugh) I wonder what we will do tonight after this.... Noo! Noo! You are not thinking about that! I've told you earlier that's not my plans......

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