Chapter 9: Solutions with consequences

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Karxilia City / Verdin's Home / Morning

Princess Gladyr wakes up from Verdin's bed, she lifts her head to look around the sun hasn't risen but she can see it's about to come out. She looked at Verdin, he's still asleep and in his wing arms Cyresa was there sleeping with her dad, she was literally under his feathery chest. She lowered her head to him, and her snout was in his ears touching it and she said with a low tone voice.

Princess Gladyr: (Soft purr and a low tone voice) Ill be at the market looking stuff to buy for breakfast...

Verdin: (Gave a purr back in response with eyes still shut and sleeping)

The princess stood and went aside from the bed and left the living quarters, she was looking for a pouch and her golden dagger for self-defense even she has golden talons but still that's last resort for self-defense, she picks up her belt that was carrying a small bag and took her jewelry and left the appartement. She was sprinting like tweeny miles per hour because theres already other Haroxians walking and she doesn't want to crash with any of them. She started hearing the belts and the seagulls, she was nearly there and went on the first marked which sells fish and other sea foods.

Vendor: Princess! How can I serve you?

Princess Gladyr: Im looking to buy salmons do you have any?

Vendor: Lots of them, how many do you want?

Princess Gladyr: Ten salmons please.

Vendor: Of course ill discount the price from one hundred gold to fifty.

Princess Gladyr: Pffff you don't have to. Here take this (She gave him a Blue diamond that is one inch in diameter)

Vendor: You.... You serious..?? this is equivalent to three thousands golds? Are you sure of this?

Princess Gladyr: Sir... I have plenty of jewelry like that, you tend to forget who you speaking to.

Vendor: Th...thank you so much!! you same me from some debt I have to pay this will cover all of it and yeah, I've forgot you always show yourself your jewelry and showcasing to everyone around. Everyone in the city loves you, here's your salmons and thank you for stopping by.

Princess Gladyr: I'm glad I could help..

The princess place the salmons in her bag and went for the next market looking for vegs and juices, she took her last blue diamond and make some magic and duplicate in two with her hand, she place the rest in her pouch of blue diamonds, she loves duplicating diamonds it really help the economy in her empire but doing duplications also make her feel weak because it draws so much of her magic so she can do that at least four times in a day.

Second Vendor: Princess is so good to see your beauty! What can I do for you?

Princess Gladyr: Im looking for a bag of vegies and if you have blueberries juice it will be most appreciated.

Second Vendor: Here I have theses and I have two bottles of blueberries juice and for some reason there's a high demand for it.

Princess Gladyr: That's good thanks, also do you need any help economically for your market? I heard you are going to close it eventually may I ask why?

Second Vendor: (low growl and sighed) uuugh, I've had a decline in food shortage I've been losing customers because ive run out from a high demanded cherry wine and I'm afraid if I don't have the money required, I have to close down this market.

Princess Gladyr: how much do you need?

Second Vendor: like ten thousand, why you asking?

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