Chapter 16: Battle for Diamond City

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Diamond City / Silver League Capital City / Evening / Battle

The Sentinels and Gladyr was at the center of the city seeing several dead bodies on the ground, they are heading at the capitol where they might believe The Red League have probably Governor Eagle as hostage, A civilian rush towards him

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The Sentinels and Gladyr was at the center of the city seeing several dead bodies on the ground, they are heading at the capitol where they might believe The Red League have probably Governor Eagle as hostage, A civilian rush towards him

Silver League Civilian: Thanks the Stars you are all here! (she cried) they have our governor!!

Princess Gladyr: Don't worry we will deal with the attackers.

Verdin: I smell something....We got company!

Multiple Red League Haroxians appeared before them encircling them with their lance pointing at them

Silver League Civilian: Oh No! I don't want to die!! (She cried) Love! Kids stay close to me!!

Princess Gladyr: Andrex Stay close with her keep her safe and her kids and her husband, Verdin...You and I we will deal with those two in from of us. Saria and the rest of you Shot all of them.

They all shoot the Red League Soldiers from both sides while Verdin and Gladyr rushed towards their Officer's Verdin picks one and pull his gladiator staff

Officer one: Hello Sentinel have you come to die? (His lance pointing at Verdin)

Verdin: Die? Nah? Why don't you come here and entertain me for a moment? (His staff pointing at the officer)

Officer one: I guess you want an honorable fight?

Verdin: Honorable as it is besides I could shoot you right now but doing that will ruin the fun in it. Come on!

The officer Rushed with his lance about to strike him, Verdin dodge back, the officer proceed with another attack move to Verdin left side and he jumps over his lance and he counterattack and hit the officer with one slash. He was bleeding.

Officer one: You got me!

Verdin rushed to him to attack him the officer tried to block but failed and got another cut in his chest, Verdin again proceed to block his attack pounce back his lance and flip his Staff and stab him in the chest.

Officer One: Aaackk.....(Breathing hard) I was no match for you......

Verdin: You at least fought valiantly, and you didn't back off...I'm afraid you'll die from bleeding but well fight there. (Pull out his staff)

Officer One: Well fight indeed......Sentinel Master. Very honorable...

The first officer died and now Verdin is Looking at Gladyr and the second officer is about to fight her.

Officer Two: You both will pay for that!

Princess Gladyr: Hey no harsh feelings at least he fought a fair fight with Verdin and now he's going to watch us you and I fight like true warriors...Come on show me what you got!

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now