Chapter 2: An Old Home

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Karxilia City / Pyramid Complex Sector / Midday

Verdin continues to walk with Cyra's body in his arms as he continues heading to the great white pyramid. Other Haroxians citizens gathered around and they all started whispering and murmuring while they were looking at the sentinel passing at the great city centers directly heading at the huge pyramid. He entered inside the triangular large entrance and proceeded to head at the palace room. He meets with the princess in front of the palace room.

Princess Gladyr Shes a very charismatic Haroxian, Shes 26 years old and a very young raptorian. Her primary color is blue plumage in the top of her body and white plumage under body from jaws to her tail and she has some white feathers in her snout and around her eyes and her crest is green and her forearms has beautiful blue wings with black stripes and underneath her wings is all white colors and she's carrying golden bracelets in her forearms two golden curved bladed claws on both of her legs. Two ruby and golden earrings and a golden neck collar with 4 diamonds in it. always love to display her beauty to her people.

Princess Gladyr: Verdin... is a pleasure to see you, your visit was unexpect...oh can't be...that can't be Cyra??

Verdin:(nodding with a tear flowing)

Princess Gladyr: No... what what happened??

Others in the room walked towards them to see what was happening as several other gasped and cried.

"Cyra! No!"

"What happened!?"

"No way no this cant be!"

Verdin: Our village went under attack by the Sun clans I've killed them, all the attackers.

Princess Gladyr: (Growled aloud) DAMN THESES CONCLAVES CLANS!!!

Verdin: Nothing cant be done to bring her back I've lost her and so other haroxians in that village I've counted at least nine casualties.

Empress Falyria: You better come here Verdin.

Empress Falviria looks the same as Princess Gladyr in terms of plumage almost an identical copy, but her crest is black and slightly longer than the princess. She too is carrying all kinds of jewelry, even a golden crown with rubies and three golden chains in her neck. Talk about expensive stuff but hey they are the rulers of this empire who will complain about theses females showing off their beauty and caring about deeply their people? That's literally their top priority.

Verdin: Yes your majesty

Empress Falyria: (sighted) She was one of my most beloved friends ill set tonight a fallen memory for her, she will rest here peacefully. Verdin im so sorry that you have lost everything is there anything I could do for you as my sentinel?

Verdin: Actually, not all of it

Princess Gladyr: What do you mean?

Verdin remove the pouch safely and pick up the egg from the inside. And raise it up.

Empress Falyria: (Gasp) A child!?

Verdin: (nodded) as surprised I was, she keeps it in secret I even come here to the capital and decide to come here and leave Cyra here as her resting place.

Empress Falyria: (Nodded) That will do my old friend she deserves a resting ceremony tonight. Leave her body there in that table ill make sure to keep it safe you all dismissed.

The day passed and now as is night, the crowd gathered around the palace complex as the Princess put a glowing gem floating above Cyra's body. As the cuffing is retreating to the floor below and closes, the blue gem moves upwards to the ceiling center where the magic beams meet and touches the blue gems, as it touches the gem, the whole pyramid started lighting up blue traces coming up as it moves to the pointy part of the building as it meet with the prism the pyramid fired a blue, white beam of light to the night sky above. Lighting it as a beacon, as a bridge for the fallen to meet the stars in the afterlife.

Verdin stood there watching the energized bright beam of light with tears flowing knowing that his bellowed wife passed to the stars peacefully. He closed his blue eyes for a moment and then he opens it back with anger and hatred towards the conclaves, he's going to bring hell down on the clan now.

Princess Gladyr: I hope you are alright Verdin... Life can be cruel sometimes but theres must be something to keep going forward. Whatever happened is now history. (She proceeded to lift her arm and touches verdin left arm) Do not forget that.

As the princess left him walking next to the crowd, he noticed she was right. The past is history but a history that everyone will remember as the disgrace of what the Conclaves clans did.

Verdin: (Grinning his teeth) Sure is history but theses conclaves will be eradicated by my wrath....

A couple hours passed and Verdin purchases an apartment where he will live now, the apartment is very luxury from the inside and outside. In the entrance has 2 tree palms and the doors are dark wood. The furniture is also dark wood, and his living quarters has a hot pool, and the next room has a stone bed with a feathered mattress where he can lay on top of it. As he looked at the bed, he decided to put his egg in the middle of it and he proceeded to lay on top of the egg, warming it, some good fatherhood. He's now sleeping with the egg under his chest and wrapping it with his wing arms.

Haroxian Sentinels: Mysteries of the Artifacts (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora