Chapter 3: A New Start

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Karxilia City / Verdin's Home / Evening

Princess Gladyr left the Pyramid Complex as she's heading to Verdin's new home apartment. She's surprised that Verdin's Wife laid an egg meaning it could be the last gift for her husband before leaving the planes oh reality. She was running fast to meet him. The day was sunny, a perfect day to ask him for a walk. She's now at his door, she just run from like five miles from the palace to his apartment in a matter of one minute. She proceeded to knock on the door... while waiting for the door to open.

Verdin: Princess...? This is unexpected come in make yourself feel at home have at seat.

Princess Gladyr: I wonder if you want to come with me for a walk in the city but Ive forgot about your unhatched egg.

Verdin: Oh yes.. I can sense it my kid is about to hatch very soon maybe tomorrow but I cannot leave my child in here ill take him while we walk I need to see the city after all theses seven years I left the capital.

Princess Gladyr: You missed a lot. The idea was my mother about asking you for a walk I totally liked the idea.

Verdin: Let me get my stuff and we can walk I also would love to meet my fellow sentinels By the stars it feels soo long I was so disconnected from the politics in our nation.

Princess Gladyr: You deserved to live a happy life Verdin its all right. We will fill you in.

Verdin: Very well let me get my stuff real quick your grace before we part.

Two minutes passed in and Verdin is equipped with his leather belts his gladiator staff and the pouch where hes carrying his kid unhatched yet and the top of his head hes carrying a golden helmet from his sentinel armor. He doesn't need the whole set since its only a walk.

Verdin: I'm ready let's go fill me in.

As they both walked at the docks and the shipyards of the capital, Verdin saw at the distance from the other side of the beach far away more pyramids constructions and looks like another complex of five more.

Verdin: More pyramids?

Princess Gladyr: My mother wants that complex dedicated to honor those who sacrificed that changed the course of history in our Empire. That complex is currently being built on the six Urban District.

Verdin: What about the servitude in our empire?

In Harxarian Empire, slavery is allowed but it has restrictions ones who sell themselves deserves to have rights and respects for its needs and good work they get well paid.

Princess Gladyr: We got a increased of it, many of our people sell themselves because they heard my mothers project to build a new pyramid complex.

Verdin: how's our economy so far?

Princess Gladyr: Our economy is now booming more than ever; you see those ships? We are sending valuable minerals to the Kingdom of Green Valley which contains some precious metal for metallurgists.

Verdin: I really can see good relations with that kingdom im guessing about how our politics its go-

Princess Gladyr: (low Growling) Uught don't you get me started on it or even talk about it, me and my mother we are dealing with that bullshit for like this whole month.

Verdin: what happened now...wait let me guess... Republic of Axvaria?

Princess Gladyr: AAAUGHT I just don't know what it's wrong with those idiots... seriously we gave them what they want, and they keep complaining about if our stuff is enough for their needs, we keep sending them food and next week they come (talking like a male voice) "Um... excuse me but are u sure this will held us for more than a few months?" Seriously these guys don't know food managements since they are in a blight state now...

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