The Hero Killer Stain

978 23 8

(If you guys are fine with it, I'm gonna add cover pages to the chapter to emulate manga or some light novels)

Cover page: Chizome and Himiko talking about their favourite foods.


"Forgive me, Manual, I won't be long I promise." The UA student spoke to himself, running down the streets of Hosu in search of a certain villain.

Using his Observation Haki to sense the area, the boy picked up on a large murderous intent from an alleyway not too far from him.

"That has to be him." The boy assured with a scowl, running to the alleyway. As he turned the corner, he saw the man he was looking for and as expected, he was standing over an injured hero, ready to finish the job he set out to do.

"Time to say goodbye faker." The masked man grinned with his sword raised above the hero's head. "DI-"

"GET AWAY FROM HIM, RECIPRO BURST!" Ilda screeched, kicking the off-guard Hero Killer through many walls.

"Ouch, that hurt, where did you come from?" Stain rubbed his head before disappearing from the enraged Ingenium's sight.

"Where did he go?" Ilda asked himself as he looked around. Calming himself down for a split second, the boy closed his eyes and sensed where the Hero Killer was. "He's here!" The boy announced, seeing the bloodthirsty Stain appear out of the alleyway entrance.

"Come here hero!" The masked criminal blurted, launching himself at the teen.

Anticipating the attack, Ilda ducked under the man's initial attack. Stain expected the boy to do this, adjusting his blade to swipe down as he passed over the boy's head. Fortunately, Ilda didn't plan to only duck the man's move, he planned to retaliate with a devastating armament-covered kick to his back.

"RECIPRO BURST!" Ingenium yelled, doing a standing backflip to kick Stain into the ground, forcing the man to cough up blood. "I'm not done with you yet!" Ilda revealed, grabbing the Hero Slayer by his top, and dragging him across the ground and up a building until they were airborne. "URGAH!" He shouted, throwing the man down toward the ground.

"This bastard is trying to kill me." Stain uttered as he fell from the sky. Preparing another attack, Ilda used his Recipro Burst once more, making himself continuously flip in the sky as he descended. "TAKE THIS YOU SCUM, CONCASSER!" He yelled, crushing his Armament covered foot into the Killer's abdomen, sending him flying straight into the ground, which created a loud thud on impact, breaking the ground around him.

Landing next to the Killer, Ilda began to pant heavily after he used all of his Recipro Bursts for the day.

"That should be enough to deal with him." The boy panted, looking at the crater the villain lay still in.

A minute had gone by and Ilda's legs recovered, allowing him to walk again. Unfortunately, he took too long to recover as an ominous wave of pressure-filled the area. With a scared look on his face, the hero in training took a quick glance at the crater he had created moments prior to assure himself that Stain hadn't recovered. Sadly, Ilda looking at the crater wouldn't assure him in the slightest, making him even more scared than he was just a few seconds ago.

"He's... he's..."

"Right behind you." The Hero Killer whispered in the boy's ear, using his long sword to pierce through his armour and skin. Due to the length of the blade, he was able to stab completely through his body, allowing his blade to come out of the other side.

"ACK!" Ilda coughed as he looked down to see a blade coming out of his stomach.

"Don't worry kid, I didn't hit any vital points. This was payback for that shit you just pulled." Stain spat, pulling his sword out of the teen. "Now sit still while I deal with this faker, I'll get back to you in a second." The Hero Killer sighed, licking his blade. "You taste like a hero I took down a few weeks back." The man creepily smiled, looking down at the defenceless Ilda.

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