The Justice Association

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Cover page: Twice and Toga do a TigTog on the way to England


"WhiteStache is DEAD!" The voice echoed, making the blonde woman stumble away from her screen.

"Damn it!" She exclaimed, punching a hole through her screen.

Watching her rage out, the short dark haired hero snarled, "So what Enji told me was right, I hope those three idiots can keep their heads screwed on and get rid of this corrupt agency." Prince scoffed, igniting his hand on fire at the thought of a hero association member being in his grips.

"DAMN THE HERO ASSOCIATION!" The tall blonde woman cursed. "PRINCE, TELL THOSE THREE WE'RE GOING TO ITALY AS WELL!" She yelled, making the shorter man flinch.

Getting up from his seat, Prince shook his head. "Trust me Star, I'm just as fired up if not even more fired up than you right now, they've taken my wife and now my brother in arms, I'm nothing but infuriated. Unfortunately though, for their plan to go perfectly, we must stay out of their way, just take out your anger on the league when you see them." He declined, forcing her to calm down.

"You're right, but I'm so heated!"


(Somewhere in Italy)

"WhiteStache is DEAD!" The criminal announced with a sickly smile on his face, making all three heroes scowl at the TV.

"The blue fire guy again, I feel like I should know more about him." Deku squinted.

"He didn't seem interesting to me when I fought him." Aizawa shrugged, earning a curious look from his two colleagues.

Thinking to himself for a moment, Hawks pointed at the screen a said, "Hey, I know fire quirks aren't rare, but aren't fire quirks stronger than Endeavours rare? Instead of feeling like we should know more about him, I feel like we already know him. Do we know anyone with stronger flames than Endeavour?" Hawks wondered, making Aizawa sigh.

"He's a nobody, why are we so scared of him?" Shota scowled, clearly annoyed at the conversation.

"A nobody wouldn't be able to coat themselves in kings haki, he's definitely someone we should be worried about." Deku snapped back, surprising the UA teacher. "Wait... you didn't know he had it?"

"Shota you didn't know that?! He used it at Kamino." Hawks added while their friend shook his head.

Thinking back on the footage he had seen, Shota continued to shake his head, "I only watched the footage once, but I didn't know he had it, but I think we should focus on that when we get back. Tonight, we have a mission, the whole world is depending on us, so like always we have to pull through." Shota stated, making his two friends nod.

"Okay, now that your super deep speech is over, anyone wanna go out and get some Italian ho-"

"Will you be serious for ONE moment!" Aizawa growled, kicking Hawks in the stomach.

Holding his stomach while walking backwards, Hawks slowly nodded. "Okay unc," The young man teased, angering his older teammate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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