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"Enjoy cleaning this up boys. We're going to the genetics lab." Roxie says as she hands Darius and Kenji shovels as the group is standing near dinosaur droppings after hearing about Kenji and Darius's stunt with the Velociraptors.

"Cologne. That'll help with the smell. And the ladies. What-what? But mostly the smell. The stench of dinosaur poo can really linger." Dave says as everyone but Kenji and Darius get in the jeep.

"What? But..." Darius says as Roxie drives off.

"So what's your next video? Ooh. Maybe there's baby dino eggs in the lab. Everyone loves a baby video." Sammy says as he looks at Brooklynn who is on her phone.

"I hope so. The babies are always so cute." Alexis says happily.

"You've never been to the lab?" Ben asks as Alexis shakes her head.

"Nope. Just the vet clinic and to some of the enclosures." Alexis says.

"Whatever the next video is it'll be cool." Brooklynn says as she keeps looking at her phone while Alexis and Yazmina see Ben apply a bunch of a substance.

"Sanitizer. Who knows what kind of creepy dino goo is at that lab? Gotta be ready for anything. The world is a grab-bag of gross and we're all just along for the moist sticky roller coaster ride called life." Ben says as he keeps applying hand sanitizer before Yazmina quickly puts some on her hands.


"What's good Brooklanders? Today I'm coming at you from one of Jurassic World's coolest remote genetics labs!" Brooklynn says as the group enters the lab.

"It's so shiny in here!" Sammy says in amazement.

"This is a rare window into the park's inner workings. Not just anyone can come in here you know." Roxie says as she goes up to Brooklynn.

"Yep. This is where the magic happens. Doc Wu-Wu! Guess who's ready to have a blastocyst from the pastocyst? The mitosis with the mosisis! We're ready for some chromosomes my bro-mosome." Dave says as he and Roxie go over to a dark haired man while Alexis and the others look around as Brooklynn manages to get doctor Wu to let her record in the lab.

"Doctor Wu what's that?" Sammy asks as she begins bombarding doctor Wu with questions.

"Hey guys. Look." Alexis says as she sees an egg trying to hatch causing the group to go over to it.

"That's not possible." Doctor Wu says as the Ankylosaurus egg begins to hatch.

"Is that a tail?" Yazmina asks as Ben looks in disgust before he grabs the baby and keeps it from falling as he then removes the rest of its shell as it squeaks at him.

"Sweet. One of its head bumps is bigger than the other!" Brooklynn says as she is recording the baby as Ben is holding it.

"Asymmetry? In my lab?" Doctor Wu asks as he comes over.

"She's so.. tiny." Ben says.

"Yes. They all start small like this. But she won't stay that way for long." Alexis says.

"That's the idea. All the dinosaurs go through an accelerated growth cycle. They're supposed to incubate for 13 weeks with no noticeable defects but apparently this one slipped through." Doctor Wu says as Ben laughs and smiles while holding the baby dinosaur.


"Well that's it Ben. Looks like you live here now." Roxie says as he smiles while Ben is cooing at the baby dinosaur.

"Time for you all to leave." Doctor Wu says angrily as he comes over with Brooklynn.

"Hey!" Brooklynn says as doctor Wu lets go of her.

"Clearly this group has no respect for my lab." Doctor Wu says angrily.

"But what about Bumpy?" Ben asks as he gestures to the baby dinosaur.

"Aw Bumpy! You gave it a name. That's so precious!" Dave says as he puts his hands on Ben's shoulders.

"The asset will soon be released into a herd of Ankylosauruses. Then she'll be their problem just like you all will cease to be my problem when you leave." Doctor Wu says as he takes Bumpy from Ben.

"Alright! Hit the road. We are not wanted here." Dave says as the group leaves.


As the group arrives back where they left Darius and Kenji they soon find the two panting hard.

"Hey guys." Darius says as he smiles and waves.

"Uh are you two okay?" Alexis asks.

"Why are you two so out of breath?" Roxie asks.

"Just doing the job we're told. How was the field trip?" Darius asks as he walks up to the jeep.

"Oh well um you know. Ben fell in love with a dinosaur and super star here got us booted from the lab." Yazmina says as he looks at Brooklynn.

"That is not what happened-" Brooklynn then gets cut off by Sammy.

"How'd poop patrol go?" Sammy asks.

"Uh.." Darius says nervously.

"Awesome! You all should of seen how I owned-" Kenji then gets cut off by Darius.

"This valuable experience! um learned a lot about ourselves and uh yep!" Darius says.

"Man you two reek." Alexis says as she covers her nose smelling the air.

"Have to agree there. Well then hit the showers and maybe stay in there for a while." Roxie says.

"Use soap. Lots of soap." Ben says as he has his nose covered while Roxie drives off.

We'll Survive Together Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Kenji X OC AlexisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя