Happy Birthday, Eddie!

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"Sorry I stepped on a twig." Ben says after the others scream from him stepping on a twig as they groan in annoyance.

"It's okay Ben. We're all on edge." Darius says.

"And lost." Yazmina says as Alexis walks head a bit.

"Guys. I think I know where we are. Follow me." Alexis says as the group follows her before they come to a fence.

"You're right. But I don't remember the fence being broken." Darius says as he sees the fence has been ripped down.

"That means Toro is out here. With us." Ben says fearfully.

"Wait. How do you guys know about the fence and Toro? Roxie and Dave didn't bring us here yet. I know because this is one of the enclosures I visited." Alexis says as she looks at the others curiously.

"Kenji told us about his and Darius's experience with Toro." Yazmina says as Darius gives Kenji a dirty look.

"In my defense me saving you was super cool." Kenji says as he smiles.

"We know this enclosure is due north of the main park. So if we keep going that way we'll hit the visitors center. We're sure to find Dave and Roxie or someone else there in charge." Darius says as Kenji puts his arm around him.

"Yes! Exactly what I'm thinking as leader which I am. Follow me!" Kenji says as he begins to walk off with Brooklynn, Sammy, and Yazmina.

"I don't think finding an adult is going to help. A terrifying camouflaged dinosaur trashed our camp. No way they have a plan for that." Ben says worriedly.

"Ben. I know it's scary but this is Jurassic World. Dealing with dinosaurs is what they do." Darius says unworried.

"And besides it's the only option at the moment." Alexis says as she, Darius, and Ben walk to catch up with the others.


"The Indominus Rex was here." Sammy says as the group come across a Gyrosphere and a dead dinosaur.

"Predators don't kill prey and then just leave without feeding. This.. this isn't right." Darius says before everyone but Alexis hides as they hear a noise come from the grass.

"Alexis what are you doing? hide!" Darius says as Alexis sees Bumpy come out of the grass.

"Guys relax. It's only Bumpy." Alexis says as Ben runs over and hugs Bumpy before Alexis looks over at the dinosaur and goes over to it.

"You okay?" Sammy asks as she looks at Alexis.

"Yeah. It's just heartbreaking to see this kind of killing be done. I understand the circle of life with animals. For multiple reasons.. but when something is killed like this.. Its.. You don't even know how to react. I guess Bumpy was with this dinosaur when it was killed. I can only imagine what she must have felt during that." Alexis says as she presses her hand to the dead dinosaur's head while looking at it sadly.

"As fun as this reunion is shouldn't we keep heading south?" Kenji asks as he gestures to south.

"I'm not spending another hour walking through the jungle hoping that we don't run into that Indominus. We need a new plan." Brooklynn says.

"Uh yeah obviously we need a new plan. So I had Darius come up with one. Lay it on us bro." Kenji say as he goes over to Darius.

"Okay. So uh we need to find somewhere safe close by. If camp is that way and the park is that way.." Darius says as he begins looking around.

"Wait. The genetics lab. It's nearby." Alexis says as she looks at Darius.

"Great! That's where we should go. There's bound to be an adult there who can help or tell us what to do. Right?" Darius asks as the group hears roaring.

We'll Survive Together Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous Kenji X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now