Casa de Kenji

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"Hurry up Darius. With the engine off we're gonna get swept out to sea or smashed into the rocks." Kenji shouts as Alexis is holding Darius by a rope as he patches the hole with tape.

"All right. Pull me up. We gotta fix that hole or the gas would be the least our problems." Darius says as Alexis pulls him into the deck.

"I thought having no GPS would be the least of our problems." Kenji says as he comes over to the group.

"Yeah and uh not to add to the doom and gloom but-.. pretty sure we're also sinking." Yazmina says as the boat moves due to the water.

"Nah. We're just riding low in the water because of uh..." Kenji says as he looks over at Storm and Bumpy.

"Isn't there some non dino infested dock we can get to?" Ben asks.

"The closest one is on the other side of the island. It's too long a ride if we're low on gas as is." Alexis says.

"Ha! Hold up! There is another dock that's not far from here. A dock that's not on any map. The dock near the Pee House." Kenji says happily as everyone stares at him.

"I went before we left." Ben says.

"No. Not the... My dad's penthouse. There's a private pier and everything." Kenji says happily.

"And you're just now telling us this?" Yazmina asks.

"Okay well maybe I forgot. But now we have a magic keycard to get inside so... meh." Kenji says.

"That penthouse could have everything we need." Darius says.

"We'll have everything we need. My dad loves boats. He's got all sorts of nautical junk." Kenji says.

"Well let's go." Alexis says as everyone laughs.


"At the penthouse we travel in style. It's only a short ride away. Cool huh? Thanks to this magic keycard opening every door on the island. I'll finally get to show you my home away from home." Kenji says as everyone except for Ben and Alexis are riding scooters before the group stops seeing a Monolophosaurus.

"Relax everyone. It's a Monolophosaurus. It may look frightening but they relatively keep to themselves. Long as we don't bother it then it shouldn't bother us." Darius says.

"Then onward. Paradise awaits." Kenji says as the group keeps moving before stopping outside an enormous house.

"Pretty cool right? Wait till you see the inside." Kenji says as the group follows him closer to the house.

"Looks pretty clear. We get in, get what we need, and get out." Darius says.

"Stay with Bumpy boy. You look out for each other." Alexis says as Storm growls slightly before the group goes up to the door as Brooklynn then uses the card to unlock it.


"How do we run from dinosaurs everyday and we're still this winded from taking the stairs."
Darius asks everyone reaches a room and pants.

"Sorry. If the elevator was working it opens up right inside." Kenji says as everyone but him looks around in amazement.

"Amazing." Alexis says.

"Oh I am not dressed for this." Sammy says.

"Welcome friends to Casa de Kenji. Who's up for the grand tour?" Kenji asks before everyone begins looking around.

"Archaeology books? The great pyramids? One of my favorite topics." Alexis says as she is looking at some books.

"I didn't know you liked archaeology stuff." Kenji says as he comes over.

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