Taking Control

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"Oh you like it out here. Yes you do! We'll never let them coop you up again." Sammy says happily as she watches Rebel and Angel play and eat.

"Yeah. You're free to do what you want now. Which is apparently eat every berry in sight." Yazmina says.

"Come on. We better get them to the cave. It's probably the only safe place for them. Hey! Guess I better restock before we go." Ben says as Angel and the baby dinosaur knock the supplies from Ben's hands.

"Did you see that? It's so cute when Angel and... the other one. Ben, Alexis you gotta give her a name." Sammy says.

"Nuh-uh. If I don't name her I won't get attached. Then it won't hurt so much when I have to leave her behind. Been there done that." Ben says as Alexis nods.

"I have to agree. I don't wanna get attached. She's cute but it would only hurt in the long run. I've lost enough people. I don't wanna lose another because we can't bring her with us." Alexis says.

"Oh Ben, Alexis." Sammy says.

"If you ever wanna talk about Bumpy or Storm, you know you just have to-" Yazmina then gets cut off by Ben.

"There's nothing to talk about. She's there and I'm here. Just saying you've been warned. I'm gonna go find more berries." Ben says coldly before leaving.

"Ben is right. I mean I miss Storm but it's not like we can return here once we leave. It's just better for us all not to get attached. Least this way we know they'll be safe. That's all we can do. I'm happy know Storm has found a pack with Blue. That's well enough for me." Alexis says as she follows after Ben.


"Where is the other one?" Ben asks as he and Alexis get back and see only Angel with Sammy and Yazmina.

"We thought she was with you." Yazmina says.

"No she isn't." Alexis says before the group hears a BRAD-X robot.

"Get Angel somewhere safe!" Ben says as Alexis goes with him as Sammy and Yazmina leave with angel.


"Ben I see her." Alexis says as she sees the baby dinosaur only for Ben to pull her behind a log.

"Alexis get down." Ben says as he and Alexis see a BRAD-X robot go after the baby dinosaur.

"It's after her. We gotta help her." Alexis says as she and Ben chase after the robot.

"No!" Ben says as he and Alexis then see the baby dinosaur get capture before beginning to follow.

"Why don't you just hold her down already?" Kash asks as Alexis and Ben watch robots hold the baby dinosaur held down.

"He wouldn't." Alexis says sadly as Darius comes over being forced to give the injection.

"No." Ben says as Alexis hugs him not wanting to watch.

"Come on. We gotta let the others know." Ben says as Alexis looks at him and nods.


"Get inside now!" Ben shouts as he and Alexis run over to the others.

"Kash did it. With the chips. We tried to help but we were too late." Alexis says.

"She tried to fight it but she... she couldn't. He hurt Mae. He hurt Darius. He's gonna keep hurting anything that gets in his way. I had to leave one dinosaur behind and I'm never doing it again. Enough is enough. We have to take Kash down." Ben says.

"I agree. I won't let anyone else be hurt while I'm alive. I couldn't protect my pack and I had two be separated from two pack members already. I won't let someone else be hurt again. Not as long as I can do something." Alexis says determinedly.

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