Technical Difficulties

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"Come on." Brooklynn says as the group is sneaking over to the building.

"We still don't know what Kash's next move is or why he wants to control those dinos." Kenji says.

"Uh I know why. The dude's a total psycho." Ben says.

"And the longer Darius is with him the more danger he's in." Kenji says.

"He's late. What if something happened to him?" Sammy asks sadly as the group is waiting outside while hiding.

"Nothing happened to him." Brooklynn says.

"Uh what if something did?" Yazmina asks before the group sees Darius as he tries to come over only to get stopped by a black robot and Kash as the group listens to the conversation and sees Kash try to attack the new BRAD-X bot only to not make a dent as the group then sees Darius go back inside with them while secretly telling the group six with his hands.

"Six... What does that mean?" Kenji asks.

"No idea. But we need to know what Darius knows." Brooklynn says.


"That coward turned a robot loose on a child?" Mae asks angrily.

"That thing was no joke. Kash went to town on it and it didn't even get a scratch." Kenji says as Alexis nods in agreement.

"Just because it's tough on the outside doesn't mean it's tough on the inside too." Sammy says.

"What do you mean?" Brooklynn asks.

"It's just a robot right? Maybe you can shut it down or reprogram it to be good instead of evil." Sammy says.

"Good idea sammy." Alexis says.

"So if we can find one, B can hack it, and we can swap it out with Darius's." Yazmina says.

"Oh! Um not sure if-" Brooklynn then gets cut off by Mae.

"We'd finally have a way to communicate with Darius! Wow Brooklynn. Is there anything you can't do?" Mae asks.

"Uh jump-starting cars, fixing sonars, robot-reprogramming, nope." Brooklynn says.

"That's all the major life skills. NBD." Kenji says.

"Well it's kind of a BD..." Brooklynn says nervously as the others begin naming off her videos.

"The point is you did all that cool stuff you could totally crush this robot thing too! Let's go hack a BRAD!" Yazmina says.


Later as the group is hiding they soon manage to ambush a BRAD-X only for it to get up and walk off.

"Okay minor setback. Let's see where it's going." Brooklynn says as the group follows the robot to a building.

"Something tells me we shouldn't go in there." Sammy says.

"Which means we're obviously going in there." Kenji says.

"It's a BRAD-making workshop!" Sammy says in surprise as the group goes into the building and sees a brad building brad-x robots.

"Great. A robot that builds other robots." Yazmina says as the group hides to avoid being seen.

"Yaz and I will keep watch outside." Sammy says.

"I'll go check on Darius." Ben says.

"I'll go with you." Alexis says as she stands up.

"I'll stay with Brooklynn and help keep watch inside." Kenji says as the group splits up.


"I really thought I had it this time." Brooklynn says as the group regroups in the hallway.

"I hate to pile on more bad news but Kash is making Darius inject the Spinosaurus with his new control chip. That thing will kill him!" Ben says.

"And if not the BRAD-X it'll... We gotta hurry and switch that thing out." Alexis says.

"How close are you?" Ben asks.

"Actually- She's super close. Right Brooklynn?" Sammy asks.

"Of course she is. If she can program AI she can do this." Kenji says.

"I can't do this okay? I just can't! This isn't one of my videos. This is real." Brooklynn says sadly as everyone looks at her.

"Your videos were real." Sammy says.

"Yeah eventually after about a hundred outtakes and mistakes! That AI programming was way over my head. The rocket I coded kept blowing up and that model electric car? I redid the transmission 17 times! Darius needs us now and we just don't have time for all my mess-ups." Brooklynn says sadly.

"No. We're sorry for putting so much pressure on you." Kenji says.

"And for thinking that hacking a robot would be easy." Sammy says.

"I didn't. I assumed that's why we made Brooklynn do it." Ben says as Alexis elbows him.

"I'm out of ideas. I've tried almost every BRAD-X in here. But not every BRAD." Brooklynn says as she sees an older version of the BRAD before everyone holds the robot down.

"Brooklynn hurry." Alexis says.

"Hypothetically the older model should be easier to hack and we know it can send commands so..." Brooklynn says.

"We can get this BRAD to command Darius's BRAD-X to listen to him! That's genius!" Ben says.

"I just hope Darius can hang in there a little bit longer." Brooklynn says.


"Stop. You don't have to do this. It's Brooklynn. Long story short I hacked a BRAD. Tell him we miss him! And to be careful. Destroy the chip and I'll have this guy tell Kash you injected the Spino with it. He'll never know. " The BRAD-X says as the group is later talking through as Darius is about to inject the Spinosaurus.

"Brooklynn I... Thank you." Darius says.

"I can't control its weapons or anything yet but you are so not alone dude." The BRAD-X says.

"Thanks guys. Hey! I know what Kash is up to. He's working on a big demonstration for Mantah Corp investors. It's going down in six days. Now if we can figure out a way to mess it up... We could put an end to Kash's dino-fights and take Mantah Corp down for good." Darius says as the group cheers happily.


"Gotta admit I'm impressed. Putting a chip in a Spino's noggin is not easy. I assume." Kash says as the group is watching him talk with Darius through the BRAD-X.

"Guess I got lucky." Darius says as the Kash tries to get the chips to work.

"Then why isn't it working? What actually happened out there?" Kash asks angrily.

"Mission completed as directed." The BRAD-X says.

"Huh? Didn't work on the other two test subjects either. All the dinos we chipped today are adults. So their fully formed pre-frontal cortexes are probably rejecting the control. Which means I'll need to use the chips on more impressionable assets. Odds are the chips will be too much and fry their little brains. But hey... such is the price of genius." Kash says.

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