A Beacon of Hope

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"Run, run, run!" Darius shouts as the group is running through the jungle.

"Is this Parasaurolophus still there?" Brooklynn asks as she and Sammy are helping Yazmina.

"Yep!" Alexis says as she is running beside storm before looking behind seeing the dinosaur is still chasing them.

"Aah! Not anymore!" Kenji shouts as the T-Rex appears chasing after the Parasaurolophus.

"Over there! Cover!" Alexis shouts as the group runs and hides behind a fallen tree.

"They're gone." Darius says as he looks over the tree.

"That was close." Alexis says in relief.

"Why are there so many dinosaurs around?" Kenji asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Well it's either your boyish charm or all the fences are down. My guess it's the fences." Alexis says as Storm grumbles slightly.

"No offense but I'm with Alexis. It's definitely option two." Sammy says.

"I don't even care. Right now I just want a sandwich. We haven't since we had those awful carob bars that Ben... I-I..." Yazmina then stops as everyone gives a sad look.

"It's okay Yaz. You weren't thinking when you said it. You only spoke your mind. Besides.. we all miss him.." Alexis says as she looks at Yazmina before the group hears roaring.

"We just need to eat and rest. I can't keep running like this." Sammy says as everyone gets up.

"We don't have to. There's bound to be a way to call for help on Main Street. And food and everything else. Come on!" Darius says as the group sees they are near Main Street and head toward it.


"What happened here?" Kenji asks as the group walks through Main Street seeing much of it is in ruins.

"Well considering we just escaped dinosaurs I'm guessing it was the same reason here." Alexis says before shifting to wolf form and sniffing around.

"It's more than that. Some kind of fight took place. From the height it looks like maybe the T-Rex and... something bigger." Darius says as he looks around.

"The Indominous. I can tell from the scent. That's one scent I won't ever forget." Alexis says as she and Brooklynn are near the railing for the Mosasaurus enclosure.

"I don't think we have to worry about it anymore.. or what's left of it." Brooklynn says as she and Darius look down into the water.

"Ugh. Or the Mosasaurus being hungry for a while." Darius says as Alexis pins her ears back.

"Guys! You have to see this!" Sammy shouts happily as she comes over.


"Wow. I totally forgot I agreed to that." Brooklynn says as the group laughs seeing a cardboard cut out of her.

"Do you only own one outfit?" Alexis asks as she looks at Brooklynn.

"What? It's my signature look!" Brooklynn says.

"Please! Autograph my phone charger o Queen of the Brooklanders." Kenji says as he laughs bringing a boxed phone charger over to Brooklynn.

"Well I think it's cool. When we get rescued I'm taking it with us." Sammy says happily as she stands next to the cut out.

"TBH this does kind of remind me home. I haven't posted in days. I bet my followers are worried sick about me." Brooklynn says.

"And your parents?" Sammy asks as she comes over.

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