Out of the Pack

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"When Mr. Kon comes back he's gonna want the rest of the control chips." Darius says as the group is in Mae's old room while eating.

"We gotta destroy them." Brooklynn says.

"Yeah. And get rid of any blueprints or files so he can't make more." Yazmina says.

"Where do you think the files are?" Alexis asks.

"My best guess is Kash's computer." Ben says.

"Okay Brooklynn, Alexis and I will go to Kash's office and delete those files. Sammy, Yaz and Ben you go to the workshop and destroy the chips." Darius says.

"Actually... I think I've moved beyond pure destruction. I wanna be on Team Delete the Blueprints." Ben says as everyone looks at him.

"Really? What happened to explosions are my thing?" Yazmina asks.

"Hey don't put me in a box. A man can evolve." Ben says.

"What do you say to a friendly competition?" Yazmina asks as she and Sammy stand up.

"Like a race? I say you're on." Darius says.

"Yeah I'm in. Sounds fun." Alexis says.

"Ooh. I love the sound of that. I can't wait to blow the chips and workshop to smithereens." Sammy says excitedly.

"Or maybe we don't start a massive chemical fire inside the biome." Yazmina says.

"Good call. I don't know what I'd do without you. Camp fire on the cliffs outside?" Sammy asks.

"We'll meet you or should I say beat you there." Brooklynn says.

"Losers roast the marshmallows." Ben says before the group splits up.


"Guys." Alexis says as the group gets into the building before seeing a BRAD roaming the halls.

"Darius: We'll distract them. You take care of the blueprints." Darius says.

"Hey! Can't catch us!" Ben shouts as He, Alexis and Darius go out to where the BRAD can see them.

"Unauthorized life forms detected." The BRAD says as it begins firing at the group while chasing them as Brooklynn sneaks off into the computer room.


"Did you do it?" Darius asks as he, Alexis and Ben run into the computer room and shut the doors behind them.

"I'm close. I think." Brooklynn says as she is trying to get into the computer files.

"We gotta figure something out. There's no other way out of here." Ben says before the BRAD's burst through.

"Unauthorized life forms detected." The BRAD says as it prepares to attack before it and the others power down.

"How did you..." Darius says as the group looks at Brooklynn.

"Once I figured out Kash's password I realized destroying chip specs wasn't the only thing I could do. Nighty-night BRADs." Brooklynn says proudly.

"That's amazing." Alexis says.

"Brooklynn you're a genius." Darius says.

"A genius would've figured out his password was written under his keyboard the whole time. Now that I'm in I can also change the password." Brooklynn says.

"That means..." Ben says.

"That means the Kons will be locked out of the system." Darius says happily.

"No control, no chips. No nothing." Brooklynn says happily.


"Hmm. Looks like the losers finally decided to show." Yazmina says as the group arrives where she and Sammy are by a fire.

"Okay. That chip burn was definitely the easier job." Ben says as the group sits down.

"Mission accomplished though?" Sammy asks.

"Well we were almost robot food but we deleted the blueprints." Darius says as Alexis nods.

"And then shut down all the BRADs and changed the password to the system. The Kons are officially locked out." Brooklynn says happily.

"Which is good news for us in the long run." Alexis says.

"Honestly I don't know if we really lost at all." Darius says.

"Well let's get to roastin' boys!" Sammy shouts as the group begins roasting marshmallows in the fire.

"Definitely could've been worse. It was kind of fun. Besides the surprise BRAD attack of course." Ben says.

"The night's not over. Why don't we play another game?" Yazmina asks.

"How about Two Truths and a Lie?" Brooklynn asks.

"Yeah. I'll go first." Ben says.

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