Rude Awakening

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"Okay after careful analysis of the nutriment samples I've discovered alarmingly high levels of receptor antagonists as well as adrenal additives. These must be the cause of the elevated combative state of the animals who've ingested them." Mae says.

"Dude what the heck is she talking about?" Kenji asks.

"She means the food has been tampered with and they adding things to make them more aggressive and increasing their ability to feel pain." Alexis says as she looks at Kenji.

"Mantah Corp is the worst." Sammy says angrily.

"Why would they do that?" Darius asks as he holds Mae's vial.

"I have no idea. But it seems more important than ever to get you kids off the island." Mae says.

"No argument here." Kenji says as he coughs.

"Kenji you feeling alright? You're coughing a lot." Alexis says in concern as she looks at Kenji.

"Always. Something just caught in my throat." Kenji says as he coughs.

"Great. Trying to get off yet another island. Any ideas?" Brooklynn asks.

"The supply plane! It comes every two weeks. Only the next one's not due for another ten days." Mae says.

"We can't wait that long." Yazmina says.

"Maybe we don't have to. Any way to make the plane come sooner?" Brooklynn asks.

"Well I mean I suppose it would come if there was some kind of emergency." Mae says.

"If we stop the dinos from eating that messed-up food Mantah Corp would notice right?" Sammy asks.

"Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Get rid of the altered T. rex food and get the supply plane to come early!" Darius says.

"Hang on. So we're just gonna somehow get this supply plane to come? All the while avoiding getting eaten by dinosaurs or zapped by killer robots. Then we just sneak onboard and hope that Mantah Corp doesn't notice six kids on the plane until we're back home?" Kenji asks.

"Uh yeah." Darius says.

"Supply plane it is." Kenji says.

"Right. All we need is a solid detailed plan. Give me a minute I'm sure I'll come up with something." Mae says.

"Um Mae? I have an idea that could work. Here's how it'll go down. First we'll wait until the T. rexes go to sleep. Mae, Ben, Alexis, and Yaz will keep an eye on 'em and make sure they stay that way. The minute they wake up you guys will alert-" Darius then gets cut off by Yazmina.

"Sorry can I not be on dino duty?" Yazmina asks.

"But you and Alexis are the fastest." Ben says.

"I know. Like by a lot. But... I stayed up pretty late last night and I could use... a break." Yazmina says.

"No prob. I'll be Team Dino." Kenji says as he sneezes.

"Kenji are you sure you're not getting sick?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah because the last thing I need is to get sick." Brooklynn says.

"Me? Sick? No way! I'm a hundred percent all day every day." Kenji says.

"Okay. So Kenji will keep an eye on the Rexes. Meanwhile Brooklynn and Sammy will get rid of the altered T. rex food. Finally Yaz and I will move in and disable the feeding platform which will hopefully alert Mantah Corp to send the supply plane so that the BRADs can repair it." Darius says.


"According to their QEEG's they-" Mae then gets cut off by Kenji as the group is sitting in a tree watching the sleeping T. rexes.

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