The Last Stand

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"You guys have every right to be mad at me." Kenji says as everyone looks at him.

"You think?" Yazmina asks.

"Thanks for the permission." Brooklynn says.

"Trust me. I get it. He messed up." Ben says.

"Oh is that what we're calling it?" Yazmina asks.

"He betrayed us. He disappointed us. He practically left us for dead. But he knows it was a mistake. He helped save Bumpy and Storm. And I don't know about Alexis but in my eyes that's enough for a second chance. Plus considering what and who we're up against we're gonna need all the help we can get." Ben says.

"I-I know there's not some magical thing I can say that will make everything right again. I am so, so sorry. I had this idea of who my dad was or who I wanted him to be. I kept telling myself he's not a bad guy. Turns out I was wrong. Me wrong. Shocking I know. Alexis..." Kenji says as he looks at Alexis.

"I'm sorry but I don't forgive you yet. I will work with you because right now I see it as our best option. But you took my trust... everything... and threw it away without hesitation. I'm sorry action speaks louder than words. As I said before. You wanna prove you're sorry? Don't say it. Show it by helping us protect the dinosaurs you helped put in danger... Then we'll talk. But for now I am willing to be civil if everyone else is." Alexis says.

"I'll prove it to you. No matter how long it takes." Kenji says.

"We'll see." Alexis says as she walks away as the others get Kenji caught up.

"If your dad gets through here it's war." Darius says as he shuts the door with a rock.

"You're right. He won't stop until he gets that password." Kenji says.

"I hope it's enough to stop him 'cause if he makes those chips every dinosaur in the world could fall under his control." Sammy says.

"None of them would be safe." Alexis says.

"We're not gonna let that happen." Darius says before the group hears banging and sees Mr. Kon is trying to get through the closed door.

"We're good right? They're stuck?" Brooklynn asks before the banging continues as the group runs except for Alexis, Darius and Kenji.

"Is he using...?" Darius asks hearing a roar.

"Toro." Kenji says.

"Run." Alexis says as she, Kenji and Darius run to the others.

"Children! We know about your little cave. There's nowhere to hide! Kenji!" Mr. Kon shouts as the group keeps running.

"The dinosaurs... We need to get them out of here." Darius says.

"I can buy you some time." Ben says.

"I'm with you." Brooklynn says as she gets on Bumpy with Ben.

"So am I." Alexis says as she gets on Storm's back and follows Ben and Brooklynn on Bumpy.


"Hang on!" Ben shouts as the group is heading towards the men controlling a flying dinosaur and Limbo.

"Come on boy. Time for a little payback for earlier." Alexis says as Storm roars before the group runs toward the men causing the flying dinosaur to go after Ben and Brooklynn while Limbo chases Alexis before the two run towards each other making the dinosaurs crash into each other.

"Hey!" The men shout as the dinosaurs don't respond to the controllers.

"Nice moves girl. That wasn't so hard." Ben says before the group sees Mr. Kon and the dinosaurs with him.

"Let's get back to the others." Alexis says as the group quickly leaves.


"Guys they're coming!" Brooklynn shouts as the group runs over to Darius and Kenji at the watering hole.

"We tried to slow them down. Only so much we can do." Ben says.

"Why are they still here?" Alexis asks worriedly seeing the adult dinosaurs are still at the watering hole.

"We're not sure. Maybe the tablet's busted?" Kenji asks.

"Or maybe she's choosing to defend her territory instead of running away." Darius says as he looks at Big Eatie.

"That's pretty incredible D. You know what a T-Rex is thinking. I mean how many people can say-" Kenji then gets cut off by Darius.

"Uh-huh. You should go help Sammy and Yaz." Darius says.

"So that's it? We sit tight and wait 'til the bad guys ring our doorbell?" Brooklynn asks.

"No. We get ready to fight." Darius says as he picks up a branch before alexis nods and shifts to wolf form before the group sees Mr. Kon and his group arrive on the other side of the watering hole.

"We can take 'em right?" Ben asks.

"I have no intention of hurting you. I just want the password to my computer so I can get to work." Mr. Kon says.

"Seriously guy? How dumb do you think we are?" Ben asks.

"This deal is very important to me. Everything I have worked so hard for. My company, my name is on the line. You understand that don't you children?" Mr. Kon asks.

"We do. Which is why we'll never give it to you." Brooklynn says as she smiles.

"This is my last act of generosity. You give me the password we walk away." Mr. Kon says annoyedly.

"Sorry. We forgot it." Darius says before the two groups of dinosaurs begin fighting before the group hides while watching the fight.

"I'll take this side. You guys go the other way." Darius says as the group see the men with the controllers.

"Got it." Kenji says as he goes after a man only to get pinned.

"That's a plan huh? Face it kid. You don't stand a- Ah!" The man shouts in alarm as Alexis runs toward the man in wolf form and lunges and bites at his feet causing him to throw the controller before Storm stomps on it.

"Hmm. Maybe you are the same boy. Seems me protecting your tail hasn't changed." Alexis says as the man runs before she helps Kenji up with her head.

"No but I wouldn't change it for anything." Kenji says as he smiles before leaving as Alexis smiles before getting on Storm and leaving.


"I think they're finally getting tired of us." Yazmina shouts as she, Sammy, Brooklynn, Alexis and Storm are fighting off the flying dinosaur.

"Can you blame 'em? We're kicking their butts." Sammy says happily.

"Whoa!" Yazmina shouts as the other dinosaurs that were being controlled come running.

"Dang it!" Sammy shouts.

"Had to jinx it Sammy." Yazmina shouts as the group runs over to each other.

"Enough of this." Mr. Kon says as the dinosaurs begin to group up.

"What's happening?" Sammy asks.

"I thought we freed them." Brooklynn asks.

"Me too." Kenji says.

"They're headed for Little Eatie." Yazmina says as the group sees the dinosaurs are heading for a cornered Little Eatie.

"Oh no. She's overmatched." Brooklynn says as the dinosaurs begin to attack Little Eatie.

"Look!" Alexis shouts as Big Eatie comes running and attacks Limbo killing him before she begins fighting with the spinosarous only to get caught by her neck.

"Dad no!" Kenji shouts.

"No!" Darius shouts as the group watches as the spinosarous kills Big Eatie.

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