Bloodied (7) [English]

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No one ever saw a fear-panicked-stricken expression coming from Halilintar's face.... They saw it once at the battle when the youngest of the septuplets was thrown into space.

Everybody immediately gave way for the eldest setuplet to walk. They scurried away in fright at the utter gloominess the lightning holder had.

His other teammates have already disappeared into the unknown, probably letting his other brother know. Only Blaze, with his pale face, followed behind him.

Halilintar can guess what transpires inside his brother's mind. Because he is having the same thoughts as him. This reminds them too much of that incident to comfort them.

It is because he is the eldest that he can uphold his expression. He can hear Blaze breaking down behind him. 

Halilintar tries not to jolt the body in his hold too much as he walks. If only Halilintar could use his fastest move in this situation. He can, but his instinct keeps saying, "Don't! You only worsen the condition!" So he could only carry his brother's bridal style and walk as fast as he could.

His brother.

His fucking little brother is freaking pale and lax on his hold, like that time.

Halilintar's hands tremble so much. He needs to calm down.

He let the paramedic take his brother away from his hold, and only after that did Halilintar let gravity take over him. Blaze held him for kneeling on the floor. He can hear perfectly well as the fourth born calls his name, panicked. Yet for once, Halilintar ignores him. His mind reeled somewhere else.

What the hell happened out there that could cause his brother to collapse?

Who dared to injure his little brother?!

The very thought of someone plotting to harm his little brother makes Halilintar pissed off beyond belief.

Halilintar snapped from his dillydallying when he heard many footsteps and saw his brother's grief-stricken face.

They are waiting. Waiting with worry gnawing inside. It was the laziest brother who consoled all of his brothers.

"He will be fine. He promised us, did not he?"

Halilintar felt his shoulder being squeezed by Taufan and Gempa. Their eyes tell him, "This is not your fault. Stop blaming yourself," which he can't. Their little brother ends up like that because he is incapable of giving him basic protection!

"Are you all patient, family?"


Boboiboy Short-Fanfic AU Season 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt