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-Vernon pov-
I laid flat on the couch ready to close my eyes. We were filming a movie video and i was so tired.

"hey vernon why so down?" hoshi ask sitting next to me on the couch.

"i'm just super tired and hungry" i said.

"why don't you order food i could go for some meat right now" hoshi said rubbing his stomach.

"can't jeonghan has my phone but i don't know why" i said shrugging my shoulder.

"why would you give him your phone?"

"i don't know he said he wanted it" i said really not caring about my phone at the moment.

"ohh well you better get it back cause i saw him when i was walking over here and he seem to have a cheeky evil smile on his face" hoshi said getting up to leave.

"ok, i'll do that when i feel like it. Bye hoshi hyung" with that the boy was now gone.

I smiled finally getting some time to myself, i closed my eye just ready to fall asleep until....

"hello love"

My eyes were soon open to the sound of somebody voice and i knew exactly who it was.

"hello kwannie" i said with a smile.

"how are you" he said looking at me and smiled as well.


"how so?"

"i'm tired and hungry and i can't order any food cause han have my phone" i said with a sigh.

"ohh well you want a piece of gum?" he offered, i really couldn't say no cause i was to hungry and would eat a arm if i have to.

"yeah, thanks" i said taking the gum he handed me.

"anything for you now i better go i have a sence to record" i nodded as he walked away.

I put the gum in my mouth and to my surprise i tasted like the rainbow.

It was super good, and i wanted more.

"hey kwannie!!"

"yes baby?"

"remember that gum you gave me earlier?" i started off.

"yeah what about it?" he said sitting next to me on the bed.

"can i have some more?" i ask.

He chuckled but nodded handing me another piece.

"you must really love that gum" he said.

"i do it really good!" i said putting the piece in my mouth chewing it until it became chewy.

"well i'm running out want to go to the store with me and buy some more?" he ask and i nodded my head until i couldn't anymore.

"ok come on"

We then left the dorm telling everybody we're going to the store to get some snacks.

"we should get some snacks as well i really am still hungry" i said getting into the car.

"we'll get whatever you want love" he said and i smiled as the car started.

"ok i'll grab the gun you can get the snack" seunkwan said walking off.

"yes sir" i then went off to the snack section and was amazed by the amount of snack waiting for me.

I grabbed as many as i could and walked over to the cashier where seunkwan was waiting for me.

"that's...a lot!" he said with shock eyes.

"late night snack if i wake up hungry!"

He just chucked and told me to scan the snacks and put them in a bag.

"ok come on and here your pack of gum and...i got the same flavor" he said.

"your amazing seunkwan" i said taking the gum pack "i know no need to tell me" he said rolling his eye.

"you never change kwannie" i said laughing.

"of course there nothing to change about me" he said getting into the car.


"hey baby!"

I look up to see seunkwan staring down at me, i smiled and pulled him down to lay next to me on the bed.

"how that gum doing ya?" he said and i couldn't help but laugh at that.

"great in almost out" i said showing him the half empty pack.

"i give you a piece of that gum today and your already addicted what have i done" seunkwan said chuckling.

"well how about you spit out that piece you have so we can get some sleep" he said, i nodded and did so.

"don't forget to set your alarm we have to be up by 2am to head out to film the  rest of the movie video!!" i said getting under the soft covers.

"of course i won't forget, goodnight" he said landing a kiss on my lip before heading off to sleep.


-Later that night-
I may or may not have woke up and went to the kitchen to get snack.

But i really didn't know what i wanted, it wasn't candy, and it wasn't chips.

"ahh i know just the thing" i walked back to my room where seunkwan was sleeping soundly.

I walked to the little table next to my bed and grab the thing i've been craving most.

A piece of the best flavored gum.

"what are you doing up" i turned around to the sound of seunkwan sleepy voices.

"hello to you too i'm just getting a late night snack" i said chuckling.

"yeah a piece of gum is the best late night snack, huh?" he said standing up.

"uggh fine you caught me, but it's just so good!!" i whisper shouted to him.

"love you shouldn't get super addict that can hurt you in a lot of ways" he said walking over to me.

"i guess your right" i said putting the gum down on the table.

"hand me the piece of gum vernon" i sighed taking the gum from behind my back and handing it to him.

"man you know me to well" i whined.

"i sure do now go to bed" seunkwan said pecking by cheeks softly.

"fine goodnight kwannie"

"goodnight baby"

{AN: ngl i just need to post something and i didn't know what to write but i wrote something and i have ideas now so this story will never end.

Ok, i better go cause i'm super hungry and i want food, LOVE YOU ALL GOODBYE!!}


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