Chapter 4

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"Martha!" I ran to her and sighed in relief as I hugged her. She was my only comfort and the only person who knew about what I wanted.

We've been best friends since we were 7. She and her dad would visit our house and drop off some food because they owned a restaurant. When they would close up there would always be some extra food and they would share with us.

Her brother Gabriel would come around as well just to tease her and me. Occasionally I would tease him back too but I too scared of her brother, he gave me this is chill around my spine every time I was with him. It's like there is something about him that is very eerie.

But anyway, today was about me and Martha.

"Navea!" She squealed hugging me tighter. "I have missed you so much. Did you use the lavender soap I gave you?" She pouted "It took me a while to make it."

"Of course I did," Holding out my arm for her to smell. "Thank you so much for the lavender soap, I love the smell."

"Anything for you vea, everything lavender reminds me of you and we have a lot of lavender flowers at home so I was reminded of you every day!" I smile and look around her little shop, she has new soaps, scents, and candles.

"What brings you here?" She asks while walking around her shop with me.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see how you were." I giggle awkwardly and look at her "Before I may never see you again.."

"What is it that you mean vea?" She asks, genuinely confused.

"My mother has found my spouse and I may be moving far away," I said sadly almost tearing up.

She gasps "Did you not tell her about your wishes? surely she would have reconsidered!" I sigh. "I tried to, I even got on my knees begging her!"

She looks at me sadly before hugging me "I'm so sorry vea."

I hugged her back and cried in her arms. I needed this. I needed someone to comfort me. I'm so grateful I have someone like Martha in my life.

We stopped hugging each other as someone walked into the shop. I bent down and hid from whoever came into the shop. I didn't wanna interact with other people because if I do there will always be a side remark about my mother and I did not want to hear any of that right now.

She whispers "Hide there." She points under the counter behind the register. I scoot there and hug my knees while patiently waiting for whoever came to leave.

"Oh, Good morning Sir. Louie. How may I help you today?" Martha greets. I sit there frozen. Louie? Mr. Louie? My spouse?

Oh no...

"Morning Martha look beautiful like your mom as always," Louie says with a hint of lust in his voice making me want to puke my guts out. I did not want to marry this man, not only is he old but he flirts with every woman in the town including my best friend.

Martha chuckled uncomfortably before walking behind the register. I see her and mouth 'Is he gone?' She shakes her head and mouths 'No' in response. I facepalm myself and start panicking waiting for him to get out.

"Martha." Mr. Louie calls her. She snaps her head out of my direction and gives Louie a fake smile "Yes sir?"

"Do you perhaps know Navea Brecketts?" He asks making me gasp a little too loud. I put my hand on my mouth and mentally slap myself for gasping too loud.

She coughs "I'm sorry, I am having a bit of a cold." she continues "And yes sir, I know Navea."

"Is there anything she likes specifically?" He asks and Martha is confused and stutters for a moment "Uh,"

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