Chapter 37

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I always wake up like this, and when I say always I mean always

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I always wake up like this, and when I say always I mean always. I felt uncomfortable and depressed every time I woke up. And I didn't know If I could live like this anymore.

I was awake but my eyes were closed, my breathing was normal but it was different. I felt numb, or maybe it was because I didn't want to feel anything anymore.

I felt somebody's presence in the room, but I refused to move, I refused to move a single inch.

"How is she?" I felt goosebumps in my skin as I heard Angelo's voice. It made me want to have a breakdown.

"She's fine sir. We've been putting her on sleeping pills and vitamins for the past 3 weeks so she can get the rest she needs," A doctor spoke up. Couldn't they have just let me be and die? I didn't want to be alive for any more seconds.

"And the baby? Is the baby okay?" Angelo asked.

My body twitched before getting stiff, Baby? What baby were they talking about? It couldn't have possibly been my baby. No way.

"Luckily, the baby is extremely healthy and-"

The talking was indistinct to my ears. I couldn't hear anything, everything was muffled.

I was not having a baby.

Navea you are fine, there isn't a baby growing inside of you.

I couldn't handle these thoughts anymore.

"No!" I shouted while slowly getting up from the hospital bed. Angelo looked at me with a worried look before coming closer to me.

"No! Stay away from me!" I shrieked while getting out to the opposite of the bed, "It's fine Navea, calm down,"

My body was shaking and I couldn't feel my feet or my hands or anything, just my emotions.

"Me? Calm down?" I asked with tears stinging my eyes, "You're the reason I'm in this mess! And now this baby-" I said while looking at my stomach and holding it, "Will suffer the same way I did!" I shouted while tearing the IV fluid from my hand.

His facial expression darkened before becoming soft again, "Please Navea, just sit down on the bed and we can talk," He tried calming me down.

However, I didn't feel any better; rather, I thought I was going mad. "Sit down and discuss what? How proud will you be of the father you'll be to your child?" Looking to my right, I saw a window and laughed.

"You ruined me! And I won't let you ruin the life of another soul, an innocent soul," I cried out while I felt my knees go weak.

A full team of doctors barged into the room, each one nodding to the other. I cried in frustration "Just leave me alone!" I shouted while gripping my hair.

Then my body started to move on its own. Time itself slowed down, along with everything else. My watery eyes focused on the window to the right. I shook my head and shut my eyes, tears streaming down my cheeks. I'm not capable of doing it. But I had no choice because there was no other way I could end this suffering. I agree with Angelo. I was born simply to have my dreams stolen from me. I was born under a curse, just like those socially prominent women claimed. Just by virtue of my birth, my life was destined to be this miserable. I've earned this. I'm not worthy of having a happy life. By being born, I condemned my mother, and now I must bear the price. If only I wasn't born.

I quickly open the windows, "Navea!" Angelo's shout echoed through my ears. The doctors ran in my direction, but that didn't stop me.

I jumped.

Just before she could jump Angelo gripped her with the team of doctors behind him, "No!" She shouted while struggling under his grip, but he was strong, too strong

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Just before she could jump Angelo gripped her with the team of doctors behind him, "No!" She shouted while struggling under his grip, but he was strong, too strong. And she knew that, but she kept trying.

"Baby, please," Angelo whispered. This was the second time Angelo had ever shown vulnerability. It was like his Mother all over again.

The team of doctors quickly rushed to her Navea and injected her with a sleeping anesthetic, "Please Angelo, just let me go," She pleaded in a low voice before her body fell to sleep.

As the doctors were placing her back in the hospital bed Angelo stood there, staring at the same spot. What has he just done? He had just ruined the life of a woman all for his own twisted game of power. It was just like the way his Father had treated his mother. His body stiffened and everything was muffled.

"Sir," The doctor broke his thoughts. He looked at the doctor with a cold expression before clearing his throat, "From now on we will keep her on propofol, it will help keep her asleep and continue breathing on her own. But from now on we must keep intensive care of her so she doesn't repeat the recent events that had just occurred," The doctor told him.

Angelo didn't utter a word, "I will leave you here for now with her sir," The doctor dismissed their-self.

He felt himself about to break down as he stood there and stared at Navea lying in the bed. He was equally crazy at the idea of losing her. "I won't let you go," he muttered into her comatose body. "No matter what you say or do, I will be here. You are my oxygen, my entire world. If you leave, I won't be able to continue existing,"

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