Chapter 16

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Navea Moreau

I gather up all my tears and stop myself from crying because I look more stupid when I cry anyway.

I took the toothbrush from the toothbrush container and applied toothpaste and started brushing my teeth.

Spit. Gargle. Spit

I washed my mouth and put the toothbrush back and put a towel up on my hair, I then walked to the little compartment where I was keeping most of my clothes which were mostly shorts at t-shirts that Gloria had been making me wear since I had nothing else to wear anyway.

I grabbed the underwear and put it on and then I took the bra and just like Gloria taught me, I put the bra around me and put the clip in front then clipped the bra together then I turned it around and slid in the straps and now my bust was covered. Honestly, these were far way better than corsets where you needed someone to constantly pull the strings while your rib cage was slowly cracking.

After I put my undergarments on I grab the dress and slide it on starting from my legs and then put the straps on my shoulders. This dress looked very elegant, it stuck to my body well and reached until my mid-thighs.

I wondered why they needed me dressed up. They needed me all dolled up, what was the occasion for? If we were going out that would be a great chance to escape.

I removed the thought from my head for now and tried reaching for the zippers in the back of the dress but I couldn't reach it.

I grunted as I felt like my hands were so close to the zipper but I couldn't reach it. I sighed in frustration before giving up. I'll just ask Gloria to help me.

I heard the door from outside the bathroom open making me startle before calming down because it was probably just Gloria.

I open the door. "Gloria can you please-" My words stopped as I faced him, the fact that I had to keep addressing him as 'him' well was because I didn't even know his name yet, and here we were getting married when I didn't know anything about him, oh maybe besides that he's a sadist.

"You still aren't ready?" He asked while his eyes snaked my entire body.

"N-no, I needed help with the zipper," I said quietly while looking down.

"Face back." He ordered making me look at him confused.

"Face back, don't make me repeat myself." He warned making me face back.

I felt his presence come closer to me before he touched my back, his warm fingertips touching my bare back as he slowly put them back together so they could zip. The feeling of his hands touching me made me feel goosebumps on my skin making the tiny strands of hair on my arm stand up.

His hands then went around my waist before pulling me closer to him. I felt him breathing behind my neck making me feel tense and my breathing started to quicken.

One of his hands slowly went up to the towel wrapped around my hair and he removed it making the towel fall and my ginger locks fall to my back.

"You smell like me." He said in a husky voice while I felt his face on my hair.

As much as I wanted to question his weird actions I just sighed before saying, "Well I didn't have time to go and buy my products." I said sarcastically.

"Well I guess keeping you locked up in chain against your own will did stop you from doing that, didn't it?" He replied and I felt his smirk from the back of my head.

I started to feel annoyed and mad and tried pushing him away but he kept his hold on me.

"We will meet my family members, you better behave and do as you're told." He told me to make sure that I wouldn't cause any trouble.

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