(Chapter Thirteen)

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Alex just smiled at him.
"Okay,you can remove the book now. Am not laughing anymore"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes "Alex replied and removed the book from his face.
"You didn,t tell me your voice was a terror"
"Well now you know. Would you teach me how to sing so it won,t be a terror anymore. My grandma fell sick because of my voice on her birthday"
"What.."Alex said and bursted into another laughter"
"I have never said no to you. I would love to share my knowledge and skills with you"Alex said.
"Thanks."Michael said as Alex grabbed the soup from his hand.
"I see. You love soup"
"So...did you mean what you said?"
"Of course. I don,t know how to sing"
"Not that,the funny word you said"
"Ohhh. Right. Of course Alex"Michael said as Alex dropped his soup and glanced at him.
"I love you and I mean it . You are a good friend and you are my friend. I mean who doesn't love Bau"Michael said as Alex continued starring at him before Michael pulled his hand.
"A shooting star"come on let,s go wish.
"No Mike,I think our wishes should go to the creator. I don,t believe in the shooting stars. We could just watch the stars tonight if you want that"
"Of course"
"Ok then let,s pray"Michael said as they both joined their hands together and made silent prayers .
Alex and Michael both sat on the roof top staring at the sky,Well Alex wasn,t but Michael was,he was just busy imitating Michael and smiling at him.
"Mike,have you ever had a best friend?"Alex asked.
"Huh...not really. My friends are only Aj,Sean,Wen and victoria but am more closer to Aj. We don,t really act as bestfriends but we are close"
"Right"Alex said as Michael faced him.
"Why do you ask?"Michael asked.
"Nothing"Alex replied as Michael turned Alex to  face him.
"I know . You want me to be your bestfriend . I will if you asked"Michael said as Alex just whispered to his ear.
"Not really"Alex said as they both stared at Charlotte sitted with Cheng and wishing.
"Hey Charlotte"they both called.
"Hey guys"Charlotte said looking up at them and waving back.
"Hey .....and prince Alexander"Cheng said but they both ignored her.
"Alex,I,ve been wanting to ask you something"Michael said.
"What,s that?"Alex asked facing him.
"Do you like Charlotte? I don,t just mean like . I mean like like ."
"I get it. No."Alex replied.
"Then what is Charlotte to you?"Michael  asked.
"She,s like a sister I never had. We,ve been friends since childhood so we clearly understand each other"
"So...does she know your dad?"
"Of course. We three always play games together "Alex said.
"Alex,didn,t you have a normal relationship with your mum?"
"I do but  Zaoshang has always been her favourite while am dad,s favourite. I and mum had always been good but I was turned against her after dad,s death"Alex said sadly before he noticed his aunt,Wuchan who was a rich billionaire and one of the richest in the whole of china,she was king Xiao,Waoshang and late King Xing's younger sister. The last born of the Guanyao family. She  loved Alex a lot.
Alex quickly backflited down and approached her.
"Hey aunt "Alex said and quickly carried his baby cousin from his aunt,s hand. Chan who was just five months old. Alex loved babies a lot and that was obvious. Michael also tried to jump but gave up and came down normally.
"Look how my nephew has grown up. You,ve grown big"Wuchan said and faced Michael.
"Michael Yibo Wang. I heard a lot about you. Xander,your new friend"
"Yes aunt,who told you?"
"Charlotte of course. You both look so cute"Wuchan said .
"Xander you are looking more handsome. You don,t have a girlfriend yet. I could get one for you"
"No aunt. That,s not necessary"Alex said.
"Michael you should help your friend get used to relationships"Wuchan said in a whisper which Alex hardly heard because he was tickling his baby cousin.
Michael just nodded at her.
"I heard about what happened. Don,t worry am on your side"Wuchan said and drew Alex,s cheek.
"Thanks aunt"
"Tomorrow I want you to be at my birhday in Zhenping with your bestfriend . You should have a bestfriend by now. I will leave you with Chan. I want to talk to Zaoshang now. Excuse me"Wuchan said and left.
Michael didn,t hear their discussion at all cause he was teasing Charlotte.
"Mike"Alex called as Michael approached him.
"Alex,your aunt,s really nice "
"She took after my dad"
"I can see. So what,s this cutie,s name?"Michael asked drawing Chan,s cheek.
"Can I hold him?"Michael asked.
"Sure"Alex said and handed it over to him
"He,s so cute and little . He looks a lot like you"Michael said.
"Don,t  compare me to a baby"Alex said
"But why not ?. You look a lot like a baby especially when you sleep"Michael said and raised his eyebrows at him while Alex bowed his head frustratedly.
"Ah ha,  Why did you call me?"Michael asked
"Well,I want you to accompany me to my aunt,s birthday tomorrow at sunset."
"Really. I would love to. Aren't you bringing Charlotte along?"Michael asked.
"She will be there but I want you to be with me . Just you"Alex said .
"Oh,formal invitation. Sure thing "Michael said as baby Chan released a loud cry.
"Alex,he,s crying"Michael said as Alex grabbed the baby from his hand .
"Chan,come on stop crying "Alex said smiling at him until Chan drew his cheek.
"Awww!!!"Alex groaned as Michael just laughed.
"Laughing?"Alex said as Michael kept silent immediately ,after that Chan started to giggle.
Michael then started sniffing like he was perciving an odour.
"Alex are you perciving something?"Michael asked as Alex nodded ,the smell had reached him.
"I think that,s baby...
"Baby poo"Alex completed.
"Alex I think your cousin just pooed on his, his diaper"Michael said.
"Not a male. Female."Alex said.
"Righttt. We should go give her to yout aunt before this smell kills us"Michael said as they both made their way to where Wuchan was.

Wuchan,s chambers.
Charlotte ,Cheng and Wuchan were both chitchatting.
Wuchan was giving them lots of gifts like dresses,phones and bags.
"Wow majesty princess,thank you. Now I have two phones. I love phones."Cheng  said smiling.
"You are welcome. I wonder what the boys are up to"Wuchan said as Alex and Michael rushed in. Their hands were all stained with baby poo.
""Majesty princess. "Michael said as both Wuchan ,Charlotte and Cheng bursted into an uproarious laughter which made Michael and Alex frustrated. Well it was funny though .

Alexander And Michael.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu