(Chapter Sixty-Seven)

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Michael stared back and noticed he had been gazing at him.
"Alex c'mon forget about everything"Michael said.
"I'm sorry for that"Alex finally let out.
"For what?"Michael asked,he didn't know what Alex should be apologising for
"For raising my voice. I didn't really mean it. I'm sorry"Alex said but Michael just continued holding the puppy.
"Alex,you are so funny. I didn't take it seriously. It's okay if you get angry at me. I know I'm annoying but I can't be mad at you cause I know you  don't easily  provoke someone"Michael said but Alex just pulled him up.
"I really mean it. "Alex said.
"I know Alex but trust me I'm not mad at you. That's silly"Michael said.
"Mike I...."Alex couldn't continue cause Michael interrupted.
"So....why can't you unsheate the sword again?. Are you giving up martial arts?"Michael asked as Alex searched for words.
"It's not necessary right now. I should take a break"Alex said.
"Okay then,I won't ask you more. Tell me about your dad. Pls don't get sad"Michael said.
"Okay"Alex agreed leaving what he wanted to tell Michael behind.
He had told Michael but while asleep ,he wasn't himself. He needed to say it to his face but guessed it isn't now.

Later on.
"Alex,I'm sorry I had to break the agreement. I just wanted to stand by you"Michael said.
"You don't need to. Thank you"Alex said.
"C'mon. Don't always thank me."Michael said.
"But I still wonder why you don't unsheate the sword. Swords are you so it's kindda weird"Michael said while silence reigned.
Alex's mind was on what he said,

Weeks later
Michael and his colleagues had graduated from their campus.
He was free now.
Michael headed to the glass house where King Xiao lived.

"Your highness. Goodday"Michael said while he smiled at him.
"Is there anything I can help you with?"Michael asked.
"Michael,you don't have to. I should treat you like the celebrity you are"He said while Michael chuckled.
"Never mind. You are the king here. You don't need to worry,I'll soon get to the truth"Michael said.

That evening,
Michael arrived surprised to see Alex.
Alex just stared suspiciously at him.
"Huh...hey bro"Michael said about walking away to get a drink.
"Where did you go to?"Alex asked.
Michael just breathed in and out. Alex was behaving like a parent.
"Nowhere. I mean somewhere. I just had to check out a couple of things"Michael said still not staring at him.
"Mike,I feel like there's something you are hiding. No one knows where you went to. That's unusual"Alex said.
"Well like I said couple of things"Michael said.
"Don't you trust me?"Michael asked.
"What are those couple of things?. Are they personal?"Alex asked
"No. I'm just working on a surprise for you. That's all"Michael said.
"Really?"Alex asked not believing him.
"Yeah. C'mon. Don't distrust me easily"Michael said and escaped his look.

A new year had begun.
Schools resumed.
Michael was driving to his house when he noticed someone was trailing him.
He got out of his car and hid.
The person continued and walked past where he was hiding.
"Hey ,wait"Michael said and held the person before he/she could escape.
"You. Veiled bastard"Michael said and unveiled her.
"What are you doing here?"Michael asked.
"Why are you following me?"Michael asked.
"Not your buisness. You rescued King Xiao"She replied while Michael glared at her before holding her hand.
"Answer me. Don't play such with me or I could do something to you for hurting my best friend"Michael said.
"Let go of me. Why are you giving Alex all the love?. Is he really that important and the best person on planet earth?. Just watch and see how he's gonna hurt you badly that you can't contain it  then you'll have to hate him till eternity and I'll be the one to do that"She said with a smirk and ran away in a bike.
"Wait. I'll get you"Michael said and hopped into the car.

Days later.
This saturday was indeed snowy.
Alex was reading a book of spiritual powers which are bad.
Not long enough when his doorbell rang.
He hung his coat and walked  to the door wondering who was there.
He opened the door to see a young girl shivering in cold.
Alex quickly rushed out
"Hey,are you alright?"Alex asked but she didn't reply.
"Do you mind if I take you in for a while?"Alex asked,this boy was too nice. She nodded yes.
Alex then helped her in.
"Mary"He called as she rushed out.
"Yes Prince"Mary ,the cook replied.
"Pls get a hot cofee for her?"Alex asked.
"Who's she?"Mary asked.
"I'll tell you about that later"Alex said as she went to get the hot cofee.
"Hey,are you alright?. Why were you out there all by yourself?"Alex asked.
"I have no one to go to. My family abandoned me cause I was diagnosed of cancer. I was just looking for a place to go to when I saw this place and I decided to wait before the snow began"She said.
"So.....you are all alone and you have no one to call a family"Alex said amd gave her the cofee.
"Yes. I still don't know why some people still hurt me cause I'm poor. I hate this world"She cried while Alex stared at her consolely before he patted her.
"That's alright. Who are those people?"Alex asked.
"Are they related to you?"Alex asked.
"No . There of high position who has been pestering me cause I have no one to look up to. They think I'm a bad person and I hurt people"She said.
"That's alright. I'll find out this people and I'll make the police search for your family"Alex said.
"But I have no home ,no where to go to"She said.
"You can stay here for now. You don't have to go out"Alex said.
"Thank you so much Prince Alexander"She said.
"You know me?"Alex asked.
"Not really. Just now. It was outside"She said.
"Alright then"Alex said and hung a cloak on her body before taking her to a room.
"You can stay here"Alex said as she let out a slight smile.
He later left while she got up and chukled.
"You are too soft Alexander Zhan Xiao. You fell for my lies,interesting. Michael is indeed wiser than you. Boss will be proud of me cause this plan is going really well. Watch how I'm gonna make a rivalry between you two . Mixander will end"She said with a smirk.

Alex and Charlotte were having an arguement.
"Alex,how can you let her in here?. You can just hand her  over to the police. I didn't think you could do this. Letting a total starnger into your home. Alex you don't have to be that kind"Charlotte said .
"It's not for long. Until her family's found. She's suffered a lot and you expect her to be by herself. She has cancer and needs to be taken care of. You either understand what am saying or leave it. Don't disrespect her for any reason"Alex said as Charlotte stared in surprise.

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