(Chapter Fifty)

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The next day,
Everyone had arrived to class.
Lawson and his friends then arrived in class as everyone smiled . The class began making noises.
"So guys what happened there?. You met new people?"Xian said.
"Of course. A girl has this dude's number"Jimin said.
"Dude. C'mon
"C'mon. I don't keep secrets"Jimin said as Lawson's phone vibrated.
"Hello"He began.
"It's Julia from the Philipines you remember"She said.
"Of course"
"I'm at your school right now
"Jesus. Seriously"Lawson said as everyone stared including Cheng.
"Yeah. Can you let me in. This week is a free day for China"She said.
"Right. On my way"Lawson said and whispered to his friends.

That afternoon,everyone made their way to the studio to have fun and do whatever they wanted.

Lawson continued staring if he would see Cheng.
"Okay,breathe in and out"Cheng said and did according to her words.
"I really like you very much . I really mean it from the very beginning. Got it"Cheng said and left the restroom looking like a model.
Of course eyes on her.
"Bestie ,you look so beautiful"Gina said.
"Thank you"She said and stared at Lawson but he looked away.
Before you could know it,he went to the restroom.
When he got out.
This boy is a prince was what came out from people's lips. He's super cute and handsome.
"Dude what are you doing?"
"Dancing with a girl
"Why not Cheng
"I don't want to. C'mon Julia"Lawson said and smirked before dancing with her.
Cheng was so jealous and it couldn't be written. It was on her face.
Everyone cheered.
After the dance.
"Do you mind if I pecked you?"Julia asked.
"As a friend"She added.
"Sure"He smiled as she pecked him with Cheng watching.

"Lawson,can I talk to you?"Cheng asked.
"Am kind of busy with someone"
"Like I said ,am busy.
"You're avoiding me huh....
"Julia. Pls excuse us"Lawson said as she obeyed.
"What do you mean by that. I'm not even your boyfriend. Why are you so affected if I avoid you. Wasn't that what you wanted?
"What do you mean by that?
"You already told me what you feel right and I clearly get it.
"But that wasn't the truth. Seb is a bad person and I got rid of him already"Cheng said.
"Goodluck to you.
"Lawson. I didn't mean it when I told you I didn't like you. I really do. Like,like
"Cheng. I don't think I believe you. You are only after cool people. That's why you're saying this. I'm not those people you just grab. Thank you
"Is that what you think of me?
"That's what I see. Excuse me"Lawson said and left.
Cheng just stood there sadly as she ran into the restroom and let her tears flow.
She quickly cleaned the make up and left to class. There was no use being here. Lawson was being rude to her and there's nothing she can do about that if not to cry her heart out.

Lawson and his friends along with Julia and her friends were playing chess with everyone paying them full attention.
"Huh...pls excuse me guys. I'll be right back"Lawson said and left the class watching Cheng closely from a distance.
"Do you have hamburger?. I don't really wanna eat noodles today"Cheng said .
"Sure. "The seller said and gave her while she sat on the rocking chair not ready to go back to her class.
She just continued biting the burger until she lost appetite.
A dog ran up to her making her smile before letting the dog have the burger. Not long after when a hand tapped her from behind.
Behold a young handsome fellow putting on a sunshade and wearing golden clothes .
"Hi Cheng
"Drey. Nice seeing you again"Cheng said as they hugged each other.
Lawson just glared at this and left.
"What are you doing here?"Cheng asked.
"I just came to see a friend ."
"Ohh really?. Did you just arrive from California?
"This should be your dog
"Of course. I was actually looking for her
"Uhh..she's so cute
"Thanks. So how are you doing?. How about your brother and your parents?
"They are cool. We visited  Shanghai at the beginning of this year"
"Ohh. I guess you met the BAU
"Of course. He and my brother are friends
"I know. Everyone knows. This is for you
"A necklace
"Yeah. I gotta go now. We'll talk later
"Wait. Drey,am really sorry. You should keep this. I just have a personal reason I don't wanna accept it
"I hope there's no problem
"Of course not
"Alright. Bye"Drey said and hugged her.
"Come on Chan"He added taking his dog away.
Cheng then sat on the chair .
"I hope Lawson will be in the Instrumental department. I need to talk to him"Cheng said and made her way there.

When she got there,Lawson and his friends were working on the Zither.
"Law. You know master loves this the most"Ying said.
"Of course I know. That's why I'm playing it"Law said .
"Hi everyone"Cheng said but they ignored her,perhaps didn't hear her.
She then made it to her 🎹 and started playing it.
"Cheng,could you play your piano later?. We are kinda rehearsing here"Lizzy said .
"Sorry but am also rehearsing"Cheng said and grimaced at her .
"C'mon Cheng Wang. Why don't you just obey. Besides we were here first"Julia said.
"Oh really?. I didn't tell you to speak . Besides this isn't where you belong. You better go to where you belong. Spooky"Cheng said as Julia raised her hand and hit her.
Lawson just bowed his head in frustration while his friends watched amusingly.
Cheng raised her hand about to hit her when Lawson held it.
Cheng stared in surprise.
"Don't. Julia was right. You should have just obeyed than start trouble"Lawson said and brought her hand down.
"Are you saying that she's right and am wrong?
"Yeah. Not only me. Raise your hands if you think Cheng is wrong and Julia is right."Lawson said as they all raised their hands excluding Vanessa.
"Sorry Law. Didn't see what happened so I can't judge"Vanessa said.
"You can see that. Now just obey before complain"Lawson said as Cheng stared at him sadly. Why was he doing this to her,always making her cry.
Cheng just carried her bag with a sad face and left in front of everyone.
When she got out,she then let her tears out. She couldn't stop.
Lawson just kept on standing sadly too.
Silence just reigned.
"Dude is that our last plan for Cheng?
"Not yet"Lawson said.
"So you're making Cheng cry?. Bestie ,how can you stoop so low. I thought you liked her"Vanessa said.
"Vanessa I know what am doing. It's just for us to play a litte
"Playing with someone's feelings. You are bullying Cheng and you have to stop it. I'm not a part of this"Vanessa said and left.
"Dude,you ain't gonna fall for that. Are you?"Jeremy asked.
"Of course not"Lawson said even though he started feeling guilty.

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