(Chapter Eighteen)

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"Michael Wang,a violation of the rule of shanghai palace"The voice said.
Michael stared back in surprise.
"His majesty,Waoshang . Damn it"Michael said and hit his hand on the table frustratedly.
"You violated the rule and you must be punished"Waoshang said.
"Majesty,I know you don't want me to find out the truth"Michael said.
"Take him away to Alexander. Let's see if he'll disobey the orders of punishing anyone who violates the rules. We know they are close friends"Waoshang said and took him away.
Alexander was still designing the poster until he heard his name being called.
He quickly rushed out surprised to see Michael held by the guards.
"What's going on here?"Alex asked.
"Let go of him"Alex said as they left him standing .
"Well Alexander,your best friend sneaked into the pavillon which is a violation of the rule. He didn't seek permission"Waoshang said.
"Yibo what did you do again. Why are you always getting into trouble with his majesty"?"Mrs Shang asked.
"He has to be punished Alexander so I hope you agree"Waoshang said and smirked secretly.
Alex was short of words as he stared at Michael. He can't let his best friend be punished and he also has to abide by the rules of his father.
"Alex yes or no"Waoshang asked.
"Majesty pls don't punish him. He won,t do it again"Mrs Shang begged .
"Am really sorry mrs Shang but rules are rules and can't be changed for any purpose"Waoshang said.
Michael just stared at Alex and signaled him to nod a yes. He didn't want Alex to look bad for choosing him to the rules.
"He said yes so take me"Michael said.
"Mi...."Alex called him but Michael just told him not to say anything.
"Oh no,Yibo"Mrs Shang said. They finally took Michael to the punishing chambers while Alex squeezed his hand frustrated and leaves.
Three Hours Later

"Michael is getting punished?. Well then do something. It's three hours since they took him . He's not as strong as you . You are a ninja and he's a comic"Charlotte said.
"My powers are limited to doing that. Only Zaoshang or mum can release him. I need to go"Alex said and made his way to Zaoshang,s chambers.
Zaoshang was making his way out of the chambers with his guards. He sighted Alex as they both bowed to each other.
"What are you looking for here?. You rarely visit my chambers"Zaoshang said.
"Zaoshang I need your help "Alex said.
"You need my help. So you really can ask me for help not malicious acts you put yourself in"Zaoshang said.
"Zaoshang,I can't let Michael continue to get punished. You know....."Zaoshang cut him short .
"I know he's your best friend. Fine you can realease him"Zaoshang said .
"Thank you"Alex said with a slight smile while Zaoshang ignored it and left.

Punishing chambers.
Michael was still carrying the log of ivory wood over his head and kneeling .
Alex quickly rushed in and removed the ivory wood from his hand.
Michael then stood up and looked up at him then smiled.
"Awww!!!"Michael groaned as he stretched his hand which he had been raising up for like three hours.
"I'll help you with that"Alex said and helped him stretch his hand.
"It's alright"Alex said.
"Why did you do that?"Alex asked.
"Huh...am leaving Michael said making his way to the door but the door suddenly shot .
"Alex how did you do that?"Michael asked.
Alex then walked up to him resting his hand at his back.
"So..answer me"Alex asked.
"I don't wanna answer"Michael said as Alex pulled out his sword.
"Fine I'll answer. Put it down"Michael said.
"Well I just wanted to find proof. Trust me I was close before your uncle stopped me. Am very sure he knew I was going to find the truth and wanted to stop me. I have a hunch that he had something to do with what happened to my sister"Michael said.
"I don't believe that. Uncle is just normally harsh. That's his nature"Alex said.
"I know Alex . I don,t expect you to believe me,he's still your uncle. It,s just a hunch"Michael said.
"Let's go"Alex said.

That evening,.
Alex was in Michael,s room helping him with his luggages not unpacked.
"So what's this cloth for?"Alex asked.
"Well for my future son. A cloth I wore when I was still eight for a dancing competition in my school"Michael said.
"Then why did you have to bring it along?. You are now twenty - four"Michael said.
"Well my mum. She wanted to give it to any baby in the palace but it seems like everyone,s a grown up. But I still think there's still a baby in our midst"Michael said raising his eyebrows and smiling.
"Stop it"Alex said and hit him with the cloth.
Michael also grabbed one and hit him back.
They both continued behaving like children hitting themselves with clothes then with pillows.

The next day
Michael and Cheng were getting ready to leave .
"You too hurry up"Mrs Shang said.
Cheng was dressed in a mufti holding her cellophane bag abd rushed to the car. Michael then closed the door and locked it taking his box to the car before Alex approached him with Charlotte walking beside him and talking to him.
"Alex I just think you are acting like you aren't gonna miss Michael. Just tell him I'll miss you. Simple"Charlotte said as Alex just ignored even though what she said was right. He didn't want Michael to know he was gonna miss him a lot.

Michael just walked up to him and smiled at him before giving him a hug,as usual Alex didn't return the hug.
"Take care"Michael said.
"Ah ha"He said before making his way into the car.
"The design you thought me. I made this for you as my best friend"Michael said as everyone watched the drama going on.
Alex grabbed the design and couldn,t help but finally hugged his best friend by himself. Charlotte just smiled and left back to her room.
"Take care"Alex said .
"You too"Michael said and made his way into the car. Cheng quickly rushed out and hugged Alex.
"Take care prince Alexander"Cheng said as Alex let out a slight smile at her then at Michael before they started the car and zoomed off to the private jet before finally making their way to beijing.

Alexander And Michael.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat