(Chapter Seventy-Three)

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Michael continued having a glance at him before turning away.
"Hey you"Charlotte said.
"Just argueing with this best friend of yours"Charlotte said even though Alex wasn't paying attention to her but gazing at Michael who tried avoiding his stare. That baby look when he was sad .
"Hello"Michael said and left pretending he wanted to answer a call.
"So...Alex,tomorrow is Michael's birthday. What will you get for him?"Charlotte asked but he still wasn't paying attention.
"Excuse me"Alex said and left.
"Gross. Pretty sure he didn't hear what I've been saying"Charlotte said before sighting Cheng standing afar sadly.
"Bestie,why are you standing here all by yourself?"Charlotte said.
"Why is my brother sad this days?. Haven't you noticed it?. He doesn't even talk to me or mum or dad"Cheng said while Charlotte made her sit.
"If Cheng's right. So Michael has been pretending to be happy to avoid being questioned. He's not alright same as Alex. But if I tell Cheng it's cause of Alex hurt him. She might hate Alex,no I won't tell her. Or,can she ever hate Alex,he's her favourite"Charlotte thought.
"Charlotte,c'mon. Why ain't you saying anything?. Tomorrow is his birthday,if he hasn't been happy then how will he be tomorrow?"Cheng asked.
"Well...Cheng,I don't really know. You could ask your brother himself"Charlotte said.
"But he doesn't talk to me. Is he mad at me ?"Cheng continued asking .
"No bestie. Don't think that way. Just try your best. I'm not Michael's best friend. You should ask his best friend. You know that's the only person who knows what happens to him"Charlotte said .
"I'm sorry okay"Charlotte added.
"Okay. I'll leave then"Cheng said and left.
"What's going on?. I thought our problems were over already"Charlotte said and left.

"Okay bye"Michael said and turned to see Alex standing but his look was like a baby.
"Ohhh,hey Prince Alexander. I should excuse you"Michael said about to leave but Alex wouldn 't let him.
"Alex,what's the problem now?. Did I do something wrong?"Michael asked but Alex just silently stared at him.
"We need to talk"Alex said.
"But there's nothing to talk about"Michael said
"Mike,you can't pretend like everything's alright when it's not"Alex said while Michael faced him.
"Well it's good you know everything's not fine with both of us. I don't think I want to talk to you cause am really busy Alex"Michael said.
"Mike,you don't have to be this way"Alex said.
"Alex,you didn't have to be that way"Michael said.
"So it's still about that. Do you really think I'm not remorseful and I don't regret it"Alex said.
"It's not about that. I don't know if you regret it or not. It's done. Alex you know what it feels for us to be best friends all this while but you have never trusted me"Michael said.
"I have always did but...
"But what?. You thought I could do that?. I know what you want to say. I know you've never disrespected King Xiao's rules. He's your dad and you love him. I get it but do you think I'd make you choose that decision. I told you I wasn't gonna be violent because I didn't want our friendship to come to an end. That I did"Michael said.
"I believe you"Alex said.
"Now?. You're so funny Alex. It's too late. Alex everyone has feelings . I also have feelings and you hurt it . Maybe it's the right time for us to end this friendship"Michael said.
"Is that what you want? I don't think so. I'm sure you're angry right now "Alex said.
"Yeah I am. It's obvious isn't it. But you don't  understand this at all. You don't understand how angry I was when you distrusted me ,when you threw me into the dungeon without hearing me out . It's like everything was lost at that moment"Michael said while Alex silently gazed at him sadly even though he tried to control it. Michael was right ,he had really hurt him but Michael couldn't understand his own pain too right now which he was trying to hide.
"Mike,I do. I hope you understand that I do understand your pain that's why I'm sorry. Can't you listen to me ?"Alex asked.
"I wish I could but I can't and I won't. We will end this friendship in front of everyone so they don't continue calling us best friends while we are no longer that"Michael said.
"Mike,Is there something you want me to do so you can forgive me?"Alex asked pained.
"Nothing Alex. You shouldn't do for me because you are too high to do that. Do you think I'll seriously let you do something ,no ,you're a prince and apart from that. You rank higher"Michael said .
"But you are my best friend. Position doesn't matter"Alex said.
"I think you should be saying former best friend because that's what it looks like"Michael said ,Alex's tears couldn't be hidden anymore. He had hurt a friend and of courrse he could do anything he wanted.
"You'll still be my best friend Michael no matter what you do."Alex said.
"Maybe sooner you'll change your mind Alexander. Excuse me"Michael said.
"Just take everything back"Alex said ,he just couldn't control his pain.
"No I won't"Michael said and stared away from him before leaving.
Alex then left to his room and locked the door same with Michael.

Michael just came in and took the picture of he and Alex. He was about rendering it into pieces to contain his anger but instead continued staring at it before dropping it with tears in his eye . What he thought about was when he and Alex had been playing together and laughing but it was soon gonna be over. Michael just thought at this moment that Alex never loved him at all and it hurts so much for him. Alex might have been hurt but Michael's pain wasn't controllable. Well Michael had given all the love to Alex . He didn't share that love with anyone else not even Wunyan. He loved Wunyan but Alex came first no matter what people think of them as gay, Michael just overlooked it because he didn't really care. The only thing that mattered to him was Alex's happiness and nothing more. But here he was Alex was hurting him badly,he didn't remember ever feeling hurt like now. He sometimes thought if he hurt Alex one way to merit this.
Screenplay(You broke me). The next thing he heard was a knock.
He immediately wiped his tears and put on a good look before opening the door.
There was Cheng.
"Bro,are you alright?"Cheng asked.
"Yeah. Am fine"Michael said and approached her then rubbed her hair.
"Are you alright?"He asked
"No. I'm worried about you. You've been sad lately and you don't talk to me anymore"Cheng said
"Ohh. Sorry,maybe I was busy and I was thinking of something"Michael said with a fake smile
"Really. What could make you so sad?. Did you and Prince Alexander fight?"She asked.
"No,I mean yes but no. It's nothing. Don't worry about me. I'm fine"Michael said.
"Are you sure?"Cheng asked.
"Of course"Michael said.
"Can I get a hug?"Cheng asked.
"Cheng,you're starting to get suspicious. You're being nice. I can't remember when you last requested a hug from me"Michael said.
"It doesn't matter. You are my brother even though we fight"Cheng said while Michael let out a slight smile and hugged her.
"It's my birhday?"Michael asked surprised.
"You can't even remember your birthday"Cheng said.
"Just kidding"Michael lied.
"Well,I'm your first wisher so I'm expecting a gift"Cheng said.
"Sure"Michael smiled.
"Perhaps,Prince Alexander will be your second. I'm sure he won't forget your birthday"Cheng said but Michael didn't utter a word.
"Well. I'll leave now. Don't be sad anymore"Cheng said and left.
Michael then made his way to the bathroom and washed his face.
"I shouldn't be doing this"Michael thought  and cleaned his tears even though they won't cease.

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