Chapter Ninety Two

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Alex made his way to her.
"Are you alright?"He asked.
"No,why did you let the doctor inject me?. You should have told him I don't like injections"Charlotte said.
"Oh really. You talk too much. I'll get you your drugs so you can have your meal"Alex said as Charlotte pulled him down.
"No Alex,pls don't leave me. Stay here,I'm scared"Charlotte said.
"Charlotte. You,scared. Am really surprised. Who and what are you scared of?"Alex asked.
"Pls Alex. You can make fun of me but pls don't leave me alone"Charlotte said as Alex obeyed.
"Fine. I'm here so you're not alone. "Alex said.
"Thank you bestie"Charlotte said and hugged him
"I got the blanket"Michael said and layed it on her while Xandra watched in anger.
"Showering  you with all the love"She muttered bringing the food.
"Xandra. Do you have the meal?"Alex asked.
"Yes Alex. Right here"Xandra said as Charlotte glared at her,those fears just eacaped since Alex was there.
"Mike,could you help me with Charlotte's drugs"Alex asked .
"Sure"Michael answered and went to get her drugs.
"Charlotte ,just get up slowly"Alex said and helped her up before giving her the drugs.
"That was easy cause you helped me. Thanks bestie"Charlotte said and hugged Alex in front of Xandra who glared at her,Michael noticed this glare and stared suspiciously.
"Okay your meal"Xandra later said and reached the food to Charlotte.
"Thank you"Charlotte collected it and broke it on the floor.
Alex and Michael then stared at each other then at them.
Why did Charlotte throw away the food from Xandra?.
"I won't eat your food. Keep it to yourself"Charlotte said with all the seriousness she could muster.
"Why?. I took my time to make this and you're refusing it"Xandra said surprised at Charlotte's action.  It was obvious she wasn't scared of her anymore.
"Your bloody time. Keep those to yourself"Charlotte said .
"Can you both stop right now?. Ouch!!"Alex exclaimed trying to remove the broken plate which pierced him.
"Alex"Charlotte and Xandra said and rushed to him.
"Are you alright?"Charlotte asked
"Let me handle that"Xandra said.
"No. I'll handle it"Charlotte said moving to get the first aid kit.
Alex and Michael just stared at each other surprised at their  behaviour.
"I'll handle it Charlotte. You need to stay in bed,you're sick"Xandra said.
"Why?. You...
"Charlotte,Xandra's right. You need to rest. "Alex said as Xandra smirked at her.
Charlotte then listened to Alex and lay herself on the bed.
"Michael ,I hope you don't mind. I can also take care of Alex with or without you"Xandra said.
"I know that"Michael said and went to get some meal for Charlotte.
Alex just stared at him as he left while Xandra stared at Alex sadly.
"Alex,are you alright now?"Xandra asked as Alex stared at her.
"Yeah thanks"Alex said.
"You're sleepy Alex. Why don't you go to bed. I'll take care of Charlotte"Xandra said.
"No Alex. Don't leave me pls"Charlotte said.
"Charlotte,be considerate. Alex is sleepy. Don't behave like a baby"Xandra said.
"Xandra,it's alright. I'll take care of Charlotte. You can go to bed"Alex said.
"Are you sure?"Xandra asked staring at him in the eye while Alex stared at her then later nodded.
"Okay then. Excuse me"Xandra said and left.

Minutes later.
Michael arrived with Charlotte's meal.
"I got your meal Charlotte"Michael said and handed it over to Alex who sat beside her.
"I'll clean this up"Michael said.
"Do you really have to?"Alex asked.
"Of course. Excuse me"Michael said about leaving.
"Be careful with the broken ceramic"Alex pleaded while Michael smiled at him before leaving.
"So Charlotte,can you have your meal now?"Alex asked
"No Alex. I want icecreams"Charlotte.
"Icecreams seriously?. Icecreams are not food,they are desserts. You need healthy food so you can be strong. So will you eat now?"Alex asked as Charlotte grinned and obeyed.
"Charlotte. Did anything happen?. What resulted into this?"Alex asked.
"Alex,it's nothing"Charlotte said.
"Nothing?"Alex asked.
"I just fell off my bed that's all. When I had my bath and flipped my hair,it slapped me,that's all"Charlotte lied.
"I don't believe any word you just said"Alex said.
"You have to bestie. We'll talk about it later"Charlotte said
"Why are you in bad terms with Xandra?"Alex asked.
"You don't have to know. I mean Xandra started it"Charlotte said with a glare.
"What do you mean she started it. I thought you two already settled your scores"Alex said.
"Maybe,maybe not. Alex forget about it but pls don't let yourself get hurt by trusting the wrong people"Charlotte said while Alex remained silent and stared at her while she ate. There was something Charlotte wasn't telling him.

Minutes later,
Michael arrived and found Alex covering Charlotte with a blanket while she was asleep.
He just smiled from behind before saying something that drew Alex's attention.
"THAT IS WHEN THE LOVE BEGINS"He sang while Alex stared at him.
"What's the meaning of that?"Alex asked while Michael smiled.
"Why do you have such guilty concience. Cause you know you are in love with Charlotte"Michael winked and laughed while Alex unsheated a sword from nowhere pinning him to the wall with the sword.
"Waoh,your sword. Number one thing you use to scare me"Michael said.
"Shut up. You don't wanna wake Charlotte up"Alex said.
"So ,you even care about her so much"Michael said.
"Shut up"Alex said.
"Shut down Alex"Michael said.
"I'm not a system so don't ever tell me to shut down"Alex said.
"Well I have to talk  so don't ever shut me up"Michael said and grinned at him.
Alex just sighed at him.
"Can you just stop"Alex begged frustrated.
"I'll keep your sword"Michael said and grabbed his sword before making a sound.
"Ouch"He saiid holding his hand while Alex rushed closer to him.
"Are you alright?. Let me have a look at that "Alex said while Michael chuckled.
"No Alex am fine,just kidding"Michael said while Alex glared.
"Don't be angry now. Can't I kid with you anymore"Michael said with a smile.
"That's not funny one bit"Alex said swallowing his glare.
"Fine,sorry. Am proud of you Alex"Michael said while Alex looked up at him.
"Am proud of you too"Alex said.
"What are you proud about?"Michael asked.
"Am proud of your dumbness and frustration"Alex said .
"Really Alex?"Michael asked sadly.
"Yes"Alex replied.
"Of all the things to be proud of. You're rude Alex"Michael said.
"Thank you"Alex said.
"You're not welcome. My reason for being proud of you is cause you're too good. You have a very.
kind heart,you're open hearted and you don't have a grudging spirit. You know sometimes you risk your life for the betterment of others. You don't really deserve to be hurt Alex"Michael said.
"You made this up right?"Alex asked.
"Are you kidding me?""Michael asked.
"The word again"Alex said.
"I mean it Alex,you're the one making up your own story. I know you're proud of me for something good but you'll never say it. But don't worry I know what you're proud of me"Michael said.
"You don't"Alex said.
"Yes I do. Cause am your bestfriend right?"Michael said with a grin while Alex just looked down,well it was the truth.
Xandra just watched them from behind in anger.
"You better back away from my Alex,Michael Yibo Wang you better back down or you'll see what I'll do to you"Xandra said and left.

"Am right"Michael said and smiled.
"Alex,who would you choose?"Michael asked while Alex looked up at him.
"What?"Alex asked.
"Xandra or Charlotte?"Michael said as Alex sighed and bowed his head in his palm.
"They are fighting over you,can't you notice that"Michael said .
"No they are not"Alex said.
"Yes they are. Actually not only them .

Alexander And Michael.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang