(Chapter Twenty-Nine)

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They all stared back in shock to see a gang of ninjas surrounding them.
"Down"Lawson said .
"Lawson"Cheng managed to say recognising the voice.
Some escaped while some were dealt with.
Lawson,s skills were so impressive and cool. He sure fought like Alex.
Cheng shifted to a corner crying her heart out like a baby.
Lawson just starred at her sadly before bending towards her and handed her a hoodie to put on even though she continued crying.
"Cheng,it,s alright now. Their no longer here"Lawson said starring at her face ,she continued starring at this handsome face not knowing what to say and do but she really liked Lawson from the beginning,just that she hid it.
Now she could see the real cool guy.
She just looked away and continued crying.
Lawson then took his phone and told Cheng to dial her brother,s number which she did.

Back in  Wuchan high institution ,Huairou.

Michael was about to display his own yoga chalenge when suddenly his phone started vibrating.
"I guess I have to take this ,sorry"Michael said and moved away while Alex just stood back waiting for him.
"Yeah hello"He said .
"Michael ,pls come pick me"Cheng said while sobbing making Michael change his mood to a worried mood.
Why was she still in School by this time and what happened making her cry.
"Cheng are you alright?. Cheng"He called as Alex approached him.
"Mike,what happened?"Alex asked.
"Cheng. I don,t think she,s alright. I need to go"Michael said as Alex held his hand.
"Am coming with you"Alex said as Michael nodded and they both made their way to the destination.

"Cheng,he,ll soon be here. You don,t need to worry"Lawson said and wiped her tears with a wipe while his friends waited and stared in amusement.
The car light later flashed and Michael came out of it with Alex.
"Bro"She called and wasted no minute but hugged him while he consoled her.
The whole ninjas including Lawson then made a bow to Alex,their master .
"You all were here?"Alex asked.
"Yes master . It,s good we showed up in time"Lawson said realising this was the reason his master left Shanghai.
"What do you mean show up in time?. Did anything happen to my sister?"Michael asked ready to devour whoever did anything to her.
"Well Mr Michael. She almost got molested by a group but I was still in School then when I found out about it and trailed them here "Lawson said.
"What my sister ,get molested?."Michael exclaimed in anger.
"Mike,calm down"Alex said starring at him then later faced them.
"Do you have an idea on who would have done this?"Alex asked.
"Master,it,s Seb and his group. The boy Cheng likes"
"He,s a betrayal"They all started commenting excluding Lawson,he just had nothing to add but if he got a hold of that Seb,he would beat him out of life.
He just continued staring at Cheng who was crying on her brother,s arms.
"Enough"Alex said seeing Michael was really sad right now seeing his sister cry.
"But Cheng,why would you go for that kind of a person?"Michael asked sadly.
"I,m sorry. I thought he was nice but he just tried to take advantage of me"She said and cried louder.
"It,s alright now"Michael said as Alex gazed around to make sure everywhere was safe.
"Cheng it,s alright"Alex said as surprisingly Cheng hugged him,he had no choice but to stop her cries even though they were hard to.
"Thanks a lot kid"Michael said directly to Lawson.
"You are welcome"Lawson said  and handed over Cheng,s cloth to him.
"You all can leave now but we will be here tomorrow"Alex said as they all left.

"Menn. Cheng really cried her heart out"One said .
"What did you expect. She,s a girl and she could have just been defiled at a young age by dual persons"Lawson said.
"But menn am proud of you. You did a cool job and I think Cheng may give you a chance now"
"I hope so. I really like her anyway. I,m really glad master showed up. I,ve really missed him"Lawson said.
"Well he,s gone through a lot and only Mr Michael has been standing by him. "
"That,s what friends are for amyway. I know Mr Michael is a good friend and understands Master a lot. We should head home now. It,s getting late"Lawson said as they all got into the car and zoomed off.

Mr Wang,s apartment.
Alex was there with them.
"Baby pls stop crying. C,mon or we all can start crying"Mrs Shang said also sad.
"I will but mum no one was there . It was only Lawson."
"That cute guy"Michael said.
"His name is Lawson Han"Alex said.
"Prince how did you know that?"Mr Wang asked.
"Mum they are under Alex"Michael said.
"That is good to hear. You really have thought them how to be good heroes"Mrs Shang said.
"Thanks"Alex said as he and Michael smiled at each other.
"I,ll take Cheng upstairs now"Mrs Shang said and took her to her room.
"Prince Alexander. You are always welcome here"Mr Wang said.
"I know you won,t want your fans to see you here but it,s a bet if they wouldn,t"Mr Wang said .
"Xiexie"Alex said as Mr Wang smiled at him and left upstairs after scolding the driver who showed up late.

Michael then sat near Alex.
"Thanks for the company"Michael said.
"I,m sorry this happened"Alex said.
"You are sorry?. No you don,t have to be. It,s not your fault in anyway. I am glad that you are a good master. Am proud of you "Michael said as Alex smiled at him. He then pulled Alex,s hand to his room.
"Check out my room"Michael said with his frame on the wall and close to his bed.
"Good"was what Alex said.
"Just good but why?"
"Ok beautiful,well decorated."Alex said .
Michael then brought out his puppy which he named qing.
"My pup"Michael said as Alex rubbed his hair and smiled ,he sure liked pets a lot. The dog also wagged it,s tail at Alex. They always liked Alex.
"You look like him"Alex said.
"Ok am keeping him before you compare me to a dog"
"But you do the same. "Alex said.
"But yours is better. Just a baby and that,s just the fact  Yuan said that anyway"Michael said.
"That reminds me. Why did you listen to our conversation?. "Alex asked starring at him in a way Michael could not escape it.

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