(Chapter Thirty - one)

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Michael said as she did so cause of the look Alex was giving her.
The remaining continued laughing.
"Quiet"Michael said.
"Now you all will be punished. Alex do you have an idea on any punishment"Michael asked.
"Do you have rules in the school?"
"Yeah a lot"Lawson replied.
"Okay now I want you eight to transcribe the rules 200 times. Each and only three weeks."Alex said.
"Oh pls. Prince Alexander . We are really sorry. It,s cause of our grades . Pls prince"They all begged.
Alex then starred at Michael not knowing what to say. He never loved being hard on kids anyway.
Michael too was beginning to fall for that .
Alex then got an idea .
"Okay that,s enough. Let,s see what Cheng says. She was the victim anyway.
"Cheng what do you say. Do you want us to go ahead or you want us to forgive them"Michael said even though he knew his sister won,t listen but she shockingly agreed.
"Okay. Nothing happened anyway. It,s all over"
"Cheng are you sure about that?"Lawson asked surprised too.
"Yes"She said and smiled at him even though he didn,t see it.
"Ok then. You all can go"Michael said until Alex stopped them.
"But if this repeats. It won,t be so easy for you all"Alex said
"It won,t happen again prince Alexander. Lara you better don,t come along with us. You caused all this anyway"Seb and Sean said as they seven left her all alone.

"Cheng everything,s fine now but be more careful next time and don,t stay at School late"Alex said.
"Thanks prince Alexander"Cheng said.
"And me?"Michael asked as Cheng just surprised him and hugged him sadly.
Michael and Alex then smiled at each other while Lawson just made his way back to the class.
"Ok we,ll leave now"Michael said as the students threw a gaze at these two handsome beings but especially Alex. He was just too hard to resist by all except one was blind.
They both entered the car and zoomed off to campus.

That break hours. Everyone were out talking about the visit of the two celebs.
Lawson and his friends were normally chitchatting as usual with Lara not being talked to by anyone.
Cheng,s friends approached her during the break hours.
"Hey Cheng"Gina said while Cheng removed her earpod.
"Oh hey guys"She responded.
"Well how have you been?"Cynthia asked.
"Cool thanks"Cheng responded.
"Well we heard about what happened. We are sorry about that"Anna said.
"Thanks,everything,s alright now"Cheng said .
"So prince Alex and your brother are friends?"Gina asked.
"Just that. They don,t act like just friends with the action that took place"Cynthia said.
"Well they are best of friends"Cheng said.
"Interesting. They really fit to be"
"Oh thanks"Cheng said.
"So...you wanna go to the field with us. The boys are having a match today"Anna said.
"Including Lawson"Anna added.
"Anna. She doesn,t like him"Gina said.
"Well of course"Cheng said as they all left to the field.

The field.
The whole players had stepped into the field uniting with their opponents.
Lawson was also a part being the leading winner of his team always scoring goals.
He always looked good and smiled at Cheng while she returned it.
The speaker took to the microphone with his co.
The game then started with United friends and league of lions as to Lawson and his group.
The first half started with Lawson not taking charge yet.
The United then took a 1:0 leaving league of lions with no goal.
Some audiences then gazed at Lawson like he should take action or the United wins and get to compete at Asian countries world cup in philipines.
Well he did take action monitoring  the moves of every player before attacking from behind .
The league of lions then took a 1 :1 being on the same point as their opponent.
Then they took a break before the second half.
This time one of the league of lions scored a goal but not Lawson as he was being hailed still Cheng,s gaze was fixed at Lawson not letting this handsome face go,he was so hot and cute.
In my way,he took after his master Alexander Zhan Xiao who always looked hot all the time and irresistible.
After that the United also took a goal before a penalty was requested by the league of lions against United.
Lawson was to give the kick
Supporter,s gaze moved to him as he starred straight at his opponent before giving the goal keeper a confusing smile which he fell for before he kicked the ball into the post then everyone stood up.and cheered with his friends gathering and hugging him. He won again and he was gonna be at the philipines with the rest of other players in Korea,Japan and so on.
Lawson then winked his best friend Vannessa who was sitting near Cheng and her friends.
The game was finally over with everyone retiring to their classrooms and chitchatting.
"I just think that was a cheat. The united were meant to win"Some said.
"I don,t think so. Lawson caught them and you have to accept it. He,s good in that anyway"Some also  said and left.
The players then went for their refreshment including Lawson who was texting someone on the phone and smiling. Who could it be ,Cheng pondered soughting for a way to hand him over his hoodie and talk to him but his friends and a lot of people gathered him talking to him and laughing with him,this boy was really loved.
"Menn. Good kick"
"That smile was just the end"
"Who wouldn,t fall for him anyway"They all said as Lawson laughed along still texting someone and smiling.
"So dude is that Lizzy B you,re texting"They all asked him teasingly.
"So bro you like her?"They all kept asking and laughing.
"But I thought it was Cheng"Jericho said as Cheng came in making all of them silent.
"Ohh. Hey Cheng"They all said.
"Annyong haseyo"Jimin,the korean said. It was obvious all Lawson,s friends were handsome and cute just as this Jimin who looked like a girl and a model.

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