(Chapter Sixty- Three)

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"I know that things will be fine. I will always be here for you. It's a promise"Michael said as Alex smiled.
"But I prayed for you"Michael said.
"What did you pray for?"Alex asked curiously.
"That you'll fall in love and  have a very beautiful girlfriend so she'll suit you. You shouldn't have an ugly person. That will be no match"Michael said.
"Ohh. It's really not necessary"Alex said.
"Ohh really. But I know you will"Michael said.
"Till then"Alex said.
"Okay,frankly speaking. I prayed for all this to be over,evil exposed and then you can have a complete family who will never distrust you ever again after the truth has been revealed"Michael said as Alex gazed at him with smiles full of love.
"Just think positive. No need of telling you,you never think negative"Michael said.
"Thank you"Alex said.
"C'mon Alex. I'm still your best friend. That we are no longer close doesn't mean anything. You don't need to thank me. Even if you do,I won't cease helping you and easing your burden because important of all I love you very much best friend"Michael said as they sure hugged each other.
"Take care"Alex said when Michael finally left.
Alex also thought about the first two questions Michael asked .
About Waoshang and his dad,KingXiao. "Was something wrong?",he thought through.
He later made his way to the room.

Three days on.

The mansion of the Wang's
"Yibo. Are you done with the rooms?"Mrs Shang shouted stirring the chicken soup.
"Yes mum"Michael shouted back.
"Darling. Oscar's almost here"Mr Wang said .
"Cheng,Yibo. You both rush down here right now. Your uncle's almost here"Mrs Shang said as they moved downstairs.
Everyone sat on the couch while the doorbell rang.
Mr Wang got it and let his fat brother in .
"Brother!!!"He shouted and hugged Mr Wang tightly.
"Oscar. Little hug"Mr Wang managed to say.
"Sorry. C'mon my lovely niece and nephew. A hug"Oscar said as Cheng went first.
He carried her up.
"You've growm so big and cute."He said.
"Uncle can you put me down now?"Cheng begged as he dropped her.
"Thank you"Cheng said .
"Tell me,you got a boyfriend now?"He asked as Michael bowed his head.
"Not really"Cheng said even though it was true .
"The man of the house . Come over here"Oscar said and wrapped his hand round Michael's neck. Michael was so restless at this moment. It was obvious he was thinking of something but paying little attention to what his uncle was saying.
"When will you get married?. You should be planning on that"Oscar said as Michael stared at him up to down akwardly.
"Uncle you didn't even ask me about my relationship. Marriage is what's first. Huh..."Michael said.
"I don't need to. It's obvious you are in a relationship with the governor's daughter"He said.
"Right,you know"Michael said.
"Huh...Oscar,you should have some food now since you just got here"Mrs Shang said.
"I love this nephew of mine. I can have my meal anytime  since I'll be leaving in three days"He said.
"Cool"Cheng said uncomfortably. How would it be leaving with their uncle?.

Minutes later.
Everyone were having chicken soup in the dinning table.
"No one leaves the dinning if their chicken soup isn't finished"Mrs Shang said as Cheng bowed her head on the table frustratedly.
"But mum. I need to use the restroom. I'll be back. Just the restroom"Michael said.
"Let my nephew go"Oscar said.
"C'mon mum"Michael said.
"Fine,only cause your uncle said so. Return quickly before it gets cold"Mrs Shang said
Michael nodded and left.
He quickly took his car keys and headed through the back door out.
He quickly zoomed off to the destination of King Xiao's kidnap.
Luckily no one was there to watch him since they had all gone to their homes.
Of course no one had ever found out their hiding place so they didn't worry much.
Michael quickly arrived using the elevator and moved to the room where King Xiao was kidnapped.
The door had a password to open up.
This was really tough but Michael kept on trying till he tried the last word he could think of.
"Why's my mind on Alex?"Michael thought and decided to try Alex since it was four characters.
"Who's there?"King Xiao shouted curiously. He didn't expect his kidnappers today.
He had been in this place for many years and was used to when they came and when they don't.
He was just thankful he wasn't killed by his own brother.
He still wanted to be back with his family and his lovely son whom had taken innocent accusations cause of him.
King Xiao knew he had to prove that the charms weren't his doing at all and the killing's weren't Alex at all. All was a setup. Someone was doing that so his reputation could be ruined forever. Still he windered who was making his brother do this,he didn't just think Waoshang would wake one morning and become this way,he knew his brother had been greedy from childhood but not to this extent.
He still wondered  who could be at the door.
Michael inputed the number and it gave way .
"Wow,Alex. They are really jealous of him"Michael said and walked in to see the king seated in a chair where he could move about but he wasn't free for the outside.
"Your highness"Michael said and made a full bow to him
He had finally seen the person his bestfriend loves wholeheartedly and the most of everyone. That was the only way Alex can be happy. If his dad's at his side. That was Michael's prayer for Alex to be fully happy.
"Michael . How did you get here and how did you find me?. What's this about?"King Xiao asked,the real king of the whole of Shanghai.
"I'll answer all that your highness after I get you out of here"Michael said.
He noticed Alex got his handsome nature from his father. He was really handsome but Alex took 10 times of that. The cuteness and resemblance of a baby was definately from his mother.
Straight forward ,quiet,gentle and responsible was from his brother who was so quiet.
He was more quiet than Alex.
It looked like his kind character and high intelligence should be his gift and what he learnt while growing.
"Are you sure you are doing the right thing Michael?. I don't want you to get hurt "He said.
"No your highness,I won't. The coast is clear,let's go"Michael said and helped him up taking him out of there .
He later arrived to the car and opened the door for him before he came in.
He quickly zoomed off before anyone could notice.
"Your highness. I had to trail them to this destination. I should have saved you that day but the guards were on duty. I'm glad I could save you so they won't have to hurt you anymore"Michael said.
"Your highness"
"You are doing this for Alex isn't it"King Xiao asked as Michael looked away. It was sure a yes.
"I know you love my son a lot but I don't want you to get hurt at the end"King Xiao said which was really confusing to Michael.

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