Chapter Seventy-Seven)

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Zaoshang and Cheng were talking on animals.
"'ve taken care of an elephant before?"Cheng asked.
"Yeah. It's simple. Elephants aint't as wild as you all think. Here's the video"Zaoshang said and showed her the video while Michael and Alex arrived.
Michael was surprised Cheng and Zaoshang were having a discussion. He didn't know Zaoshang was also friendly.
Cheng noticed them amd smiled seeing they were still friends. "Prince Alexander. Your big brother is so intelligent with animals"Cheng said while Alex smiled.
"Brother"Alex called.
"Alex,geez. Mimi's with you?"He asked.
"You know her?"Alex asked.
"Of course. She just got delivered today. I was really searching for her all through. I didn't know you were with her"Zaoshang said.
"Well I think she was crying. I had to bring her here. She's sick"Alex said.
"Of course. There should be something I should do"Zaoshang said and carried him while Alex and Cheng focused on what Zaoshang was doing.
Michael just used his ai to make a toon of Alex being so focused. His ocean blue eyes were sure like the little kitten,Michael thought.

Minutes later.
"Why is it sleepy?. I hope it isn't gonna die?"Michael asked.
"No it's cause of the injection"Alex said.
"Ohh,looks like I wasn't focused as you two"Michael.
"Alex,you can go on. Once she's alright,you can have her"Zaoshang said while Alex smiled.
"What about me?. I really wanna hold her. Prince Alexander can I?"Cheng asked.
"Okay but be careful. You know she's still a baby. She isn't strong yet"Alex said.
"Sure. I'm just gonna watch her till she's awake."Cheng said while Michael and Alex left the room leaving them to do their talking.
"Alex,check this out"Michael said while Alex grabbed the phone .
"Cute right?. I know"Michael laughed while Alex gave a serious look.
"YOU TOONED ME!!! "Alex said while Michael gaped and collected the phone.
"C'mon Alex. It's just toon art. What's the big deal. Toon art should be for people that look like babies . For example Alexander Zhan,oh you're Alexander Zhan"Michael said while Alex bowed his face in his palms.
The next thing was  Charlotte approaching them happily.
"Alex,Alex!!. She's here !!"Charlotte exclaimed.
"Who's here?"Michael asked.
"Alexandra. Alex's fake twin"Charlotte said .
"Fake twin?. Why?"Michael asked.
"Well. Alex and Alexandra have been childhood friends since they were born. Alex knew her before me. "Charlotte said.
"So...what makes them 'fake twins' ?"Michael asked.
"Well,they look alike,their names are alike. They think the same way. They have the same professions just that she isn't really a celebrity . Lastly people thought they were both in love with each other  ,anywhere one is,the other shows up"Charlotte said while Michael and her laughed at that.
"Okay that's enough. I don't see Xandra that way"Alex said.
"Wow,he even has a name he calls her. Wow amazing....."Michael laughed.
"Buddy,c'mon accept it. You love the girl right?"Michael winked him and continued laughing.

"Alex,Alex!!!!"Xandra exclaimed and embraced him while Alex returned it
"Just look at the way they hug"Charlotte said.
"You're right. This girl is really beautiful. Is she a model?"Michael asked.
"Not really but she sponsors cosmetics. Actually she won most beautiful Asian last two years"Charlotte said
"I see. My best friend's in love. Charlotte their a perfect match."Michael said.
"I agree"Charlotte said.
"I missed you a lot"Alexandra said.
"I missed you too. So how was Brazil?"Alex asked.
"Cool. How have you been?"She asked.
"Well....fine"Alex said.
"I had to rush down here after hearing what happend. Thank God you're okay. I'm also happy that King Xiao is alive too. At least now you don't have to worry about anything. Your dad's by your side"She said with a secret glare
"Thanks"Alex let out a smile.
"You are highly welcome"She replied and moved to where Michael and Charlotte were standing.
"Hey Michael. I finally get to meet Xander's best friend"Xandra said with a smirk which Michael couodn't see.
"I've heard a lot about you. I'm your biggest fan. You're a comic like crazy"She said while Michael smiled little.
"Thanks"Michael said.
"You are mostly welcome  Sorry to border do you mind a selfie?. I don't know if I'll be seeing you again. I'll be leaving to Korea in a week with Alex. Am sure you know. He has a ......"
"I know"Michael shunned.
"So can I?."Xandra asked .
"Of course,why not?"Michael agreed.
"Finally"She said and saved it before moving to where Charlotte was.
"I missed you so much girlfriend"Xandra exclaimed as they hugged each other.
"You grown so beautiful. Even prettier than me. So...don't tell me you don't have a boyfriend yet"Xandra said.
"Alex,we should go"Michael said as Alex agreed and they both left.

The next day. Friday
Michael's birthday adjusted and was decided to be celebrated today.
Michael dressed up super cool but his glasses made everyone laugh. He was a comic,he didn't really care . He was used to people laughing at his ways.

"Happy Birthday Michael💖🎂🤩"Everyone said.
"In arrears"They added
"Thanks again."Michael said.
It was later time for gifts,Michael sure got a whole lot of gifts. It was really a lot but anyway he was loved. His fans weren't excluded. Thousands  of them wished him but more than had wished him on his real birthday which was two days ago . He and Alex.
Actually Alex hadn't given him a gift but Michael didn't really bother. As far as he could see Alex all day made him happier.

That night.
Michael was sure stressed out and went to his room to see Alex lying on his bed sleeping.
It was really weird to Michael but he still fell cause he was surprised.
"Careful"Alex said laughing.
"Well am fine so stop laughing. Why are you here?. Do you wanna scold me?. This is weird of you"Michael said standing and facing him.
"Not really but you should have this for now. You've always wanted me to give this to you"Alex said and gave to him the artiste design his father had wanted him to give to his best friend.
King Xiao had always  seen Charlotte as a daughter so he knew Alex should have another best friend if not her.
Michael accepted it and smiled at Alex. He was about hugging him but Alex stopped him.
"No hugging for now. This ain't all of the gifts. You first of all check everything out before hugging. Maybe you might not like one"Alex said.
"Well fine then"Michael said.
"You can seat. I'll advertise it"Alex said while Michael laughed.
"Alex,this is the first time am seeing you advertising . I only notice you on tv"Michael said.
" can see me now"Alex said and started.
"Okay. First guitar or second guitar ?" Alex began.
"I'll choose the second one"Michael said
"I expected the first one. Anyways"Alex said.
He continued till he gave him all the gifts.
"So ...can I get a hug now?"Michael asked.
"Fine"Alex said as they hugged each other.

A week later.
Michael and Alex were leaving to Beijing for a concert and then after that fly to their different countries.
Michael was leaving to Alaska  for his work same with Alex ,he was leaving to Korea for a buisness and also to visit his aunt Wuchan.
It was really time for them to go separate ways.

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